Friday, August 6, 2010

i really hate it when....

....... people add a question mark to their statement in answer to my question.

Increasingly, this has become one of my pet peeves. Just because i think it makes me sound like I'm dumb or something. I'm not asking a stupid question!!!!

Just a random example conjured out of nowhere (any similarities to real people are purely coincidental and unintended):

Say if you tell me all the work that you have completed is gone now. Out of curiosity i ask "Oh, how come?" and the response you give goes along the line of "Because my computer spoilt??"

........Nabei. How the hell would I know your computer spoilt or the nitty gritty things that go on in your life. I'm sure no one would know that the reason for my sleepiness these days is due to late night drama-ing and insomnia if I dont announce it right?

Dont you think a questioning response like this makes you feel like your level of intelligence is zero, for not knowing something so obvious. I'm sure this may just be a habit to some, and they do not exactly have that kind of malice in mind when they said it. But certainly it is really annoying to people like me who reads alot into things.

Makes me wonder, why can't people just answer to a question the way questions should be answered. Drop the question mark if you are typing (saves ur fingers' effort to try and type it anyway), or drop the questioning tone if you are talking.

So this is the #102919008017091 in my list of pet peeves. Along with curt sms responses if you still remember. Or being late (I HATE waiting)...... Just to name a few.

Guess I'm forever complaining. But with criticism comes improvement!!! <--- Totally made this words of wisdom up myself. HAHAHA.

Now that I have no dramas that I am dying to watch, I'm watching variety shows instead. Truly. The. Best. Thing......EVER!!! hahaha. I am beginning to be so intrigued and impressed by GACKT san, it's an unhealthy obsession. wahahha. He's such a genius. Master of so many languages, musical instruments, with an amazing voice. *fawns over* But really, when I see people always giving their all in the work they do, it makes me quite touched. I guess all Japanese are like that, no?

Quick Yamapi, come out and do something interesting now! *laughs*

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