Wednesday, July 28, 2010



managed to chiong finish "Yamada Taro Monogatari" in a day. seriously one of the best dramas i've caught so far. not only were there some laughs to share, but the entire series was so full of meaning. family, friendship, responsibilities.

basically it was about this princey boy who was admired by everyone in school. he's very kind, intelligent - everyone thought he was rich, but in fact he was very poor. and the show was about how he worked so hard to earn money to support his family of 8, and scrimped and saved for them.

honestly, if u showed me scenes of dying people in dramas, i may be unappreciative. sappy love stories, i may be unmoved. but if u put family and kids (especially) into the picture.... this kind of warmness, i dont think my heart can take it. :") i think almost every scene that involved them doing something sweet to their family got me all teary eyed. muaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah.

its good to be rich, but we do not necessary need to be so in order to be happy.

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