Saturday, May 30, 2009

marley and me the book and random LONG thoughts

a miracle. 3 entries in 4 days. hahah.. so as u can see my life has been extremely meaningful this past couple of weeks.

but anyway i have an extremely important question that i need ur reponses to. anyone reading (including secretive people) plsplspls activate my tagboard on this cos i need some opinions and erm, assurance (wth i almost typed assurement gosh!) i guess? LOL here goes...

should i get me an ipod touch!

hahaha. okay it isnt really important but i have been very tempted since uh, ytd, when i played with the iphone. but of course i dont want an iphone since

1. i have a functioning phone
2. rumour has it iphone is not all that great anw and
3 (prob the most impt reason). i think it's a blood sucking investment - not on the phone, but on the freaking data plan. i'd rather stick to my trusty STARHUB plan thanks so yeah.. haha.

anw the only thing that's holding me back from just going straight and buying the touch is of course the cost issue. i mean i dont print money and apparently i dont earn alot from my job too, so this is definitely an act of extravagance, a big no-no in such daunting economic times (HAHA). i just checked, 8GB costs $388 now. $388 is abit too much for a (pretty) desk decoration if i chuck aside yet another impulse buy, is it not? but realistically, i dont think it'll be left unused cos sis can help share the goodies too.

another thing is that im pretty much going mainly for the internet and apps function. i dont care about the phone functions, i dont care about the camera (nothing beats the real camera, period). of course ipod = music DUH. but i dont know what im gonna do with the songs part cos i dont usually download and i'm not about to become a full time pirate (although i dont mind being the leech off my sis' songs) if i get the touch. well, i really cant be bothered to do all the downloading but nt a willing paying customer of cds either. so it'll be essentially wasting the functions of the touch! as phoebe wonderfully puts it: i'll be ruining its christmas destiny HAHAH.

sigh so how. all odds are against buying. hmmm maybe if i do get the ntu bursary it'll be a different story. you all will know where it's gonna be spent on...very productively. hehe. shhhhhh dont tell them. no lah, will definitely spend it on education and self improvement courses! HAHAHA. ahems.

alright, guess that was an earful. here comes more! HAHA but u dont have to read it la actually, it's just for my sake. seldom have flow like this. anw i realised for my entire blog, i have been criticising and never praising. well mostly cos as singaporeans, we complain. and after reading stomp i believed it even more so.

sure, the topics ARE juvenile, but they're entertaining in a warped way. i especially enjoyed the ah beng styled comments about the post itself, questioning the people why they are complaining at something so trivial. i hardly see any posts that arent slammed by the ahbengs, even tho the people have all the right to be unhappy. if the complaint is on inconsiderate uncles/aunties/wadever giving their bags a seat on a crowded bus even tho humans probably tire out more than bags, the ahbengs will scoff mercilessly at the stomper and say "wa ur mouth got gold is it. so unhappy then open ur golden mouth and ask for the seat la. dont dare to ask then come to stomp and complain."

and dont ever end ur post saying: "i hope that the relevant authorities will....." or "i hope the students will not....", even though it sounds reasonable, somehow or other they still get slammed by comments that went roughly like "eh u want to get things done go straight to the person lah. u post on stomp and hope here hope there (exact phrasing) also no use". that threw me off the seat. HAHA couldnt stop laughing. but that leads me to wonder if they are so annoyed by the complaints by fellow stompers then what on earth are they doing even reading it, and horrors, even having a stomp account.

oh wow super off track. but i just completed reading marley and me the novel and i absolutely loved it! i finished it within a day so u can imagine how focused i was. to put things in perspective, i started reading the very thin child-like magician's nephew two years ago and im still barely halfway through.

anyhooos, i knew i'd love the book, i fell in love with the story when i caught the movie last time - it was one of the few movies i actually bothered to wait for the release on vcd/dvd. people say the book's better than the movie, actually most often so hands down. but i think this is different, cos both book and movie (by the way they follow slightly different storylines) have their own special points which can be appreciated.

so if u thought the movie was a tearjerker, wait till u get to the book. im sure it will be kinda a tough read for dog owners who have had their beloved canines passed on, but when you get to the end you know you'll have to move on. forgetting them in the mind but not in the heart. it's still very sweet anyway. go borrow it!!! :)

so those who read till this point, well done and i really appreciate it! hope i didnt bore you in the process tho. alright i shall just share with you all one of my favourite quotes from the book(tonnes more in the book):

"A dog has no use for fancy cars or big homes or designer clothes. Status symbol means nothing to him. A waterlogged stick will do just fine. A dog judges others not by their color or creed or class but by who they are inside. A dog doesn't care if you are rich or poor, educated or illiterate, clever or dull. Give him your heart and he will give you his. It was really quite simple, and yet we humans, so much wiser and more sophisticated, have always had trouble figuring out what really counts and what does not. As I wrote that farewell column to Marley, I realized it was all right there in front of us, if only we opened our eyes. Sometimes it took a dog with bad breath, worse manners, and pure intentions to help us see."John Grogan

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