Thursday, May 28, 2009

a bonus.

erhems entries on consecutive days.. that almost never happens. lol. but it feels like a good day to blog so i shall!

was looking thru the cursed ntu email yet again and i found that important mails are still getting stuffed to the last page. uhh is it trying to test my hide and seek skill? grr. anyone knows how to fix that? anw, that mail came with the notification of double major choices. im wondering if i should sign up for it, and if so, what? somemore that means more AUs for me too, which sucks cos im still worried bout nt being able to clear my electives in time!

nothing interests me seriously... like b&f is seriously want me to die? i struggled all the way throughout the sem with hellish FM, altho the examination was quite easy (not trying to be a smartass, i didnt ace it anw) in my opinion. marketing.... nahh, i dont think marketing is a learned subject, it's more of a talent kinda thing - either you have those creative juices or not. econs? or IT (HAHAHA omg shine are u laughing at this.)?? my toes are laughing too. IT... bleah. i think maybe HR ba. either HR or b&f.

ohwell i shall busy myself thinking bout this while leading my oh-so-meaningful holiday then. lol.

anw, my sis is looking to sign up for a gym membership at california fitness! lol. nt sure if she's come to a decision yet, afterall u gotta commit 12mths which is only for those as free as i am! and those fees albeit reasonable in my opinion, isnt exactly cheap. but im also very interested, not so much in california fitness per se.... i just wanna sign up for any kind of effective gym classes that would help shape things up a lil. anything to work those love handles away! somehow it's just very difficult to be determined and exercise regularly without someone breathing down my neck. hmmm.

the laziness in me is probably building up due to excessive tv-watching. haha. have been equipping myself with new knowledge everyday from discovery chn and of course, virtual travelling with discovery travel and living! ahhh.. its practically urging me to go visit europe. too bad i have no financial backing and the H1N1 virus is still going strong. stupid. pls leave singapore out of the loop but too bad we have our first infection already.

so apparently used vegetable oil can be used (what a pun) to run ur diesel vehicle with about the same fuel efficiency, altho u would need some converter. cool eh! and think of the fuel we can save! most people do not know but im a very pro-environmentalism person and i get very irked when i see wastages among the people. admittedly im guilty of many of those acts but i'm trying to change too. so the point im trying to drive across is for us to save the earth!

it's not like we can go shopping somewhere else.

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