Saturday, April 11, 2009

do you feel the heat?

wahhhh no time no time no time. i can chant this forever and it still wouldnt change. maybe i shouldnt be blogging then. HAHA.

gosh.. i regret slacking last week away. :( plus i study at the speed of snail probably. think i studied for about than 10 hrs and yet ive only done like 2 lectures. OMG. die. at least im done with financial acct.

ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh this sucks.


haha lazy to start another entry. gahhhh.. cant stop slacking. gotta really pick the pace up already seeing how tough the week is ahead of me. two of my feared papers almost squeezed together. still damn irritated with the schedule.

and as crazy as it sounds, i do miss my lessons man. mainly due to the fact that i managed to get rather interesting profs this sem that really make classes fun. especially so for bizlaw. prof valerie is the best! shes really super (x100000) nice and funny despite being so zai. and altho she's the associate dean of nbs, she displays no airs at all. hopes our class will do well with her insights! :D and marc low for IT. haha. never fails to make us laugh.. profesora cristina too. HAHA :D

so ya whats new... well, accounting let me down..i guess i will have to depend on bizlaw and fm and espanol already... jiu ming ah.

anw the weirdest thing me and sis talk about:
the scene begins with my heartfelt declaration of love for acct when i was still busy mugging for it.

me: i love mr accounting..... but does accounting love me? (but we all know how it turned out)
sis: -_-. eh how you know aa101 is a guy?
me: dont know leh, just feels like it lor.
me: but i think Biz law is a lady.
sis: AHAHA. then OB leh?
me: OB is definitely a man. =D
sis: i think you're too stressed.

you dont agree meh?! hahah.. some non living things just appears masculine or feminine. no wonder they came up with this concept for espanol and french etc anw... haha.

anw to add on to yanling's point about how much we both (high 5) hate the word 'cui'. for full effect pls read her entry (eh are u gonna pay me for advertising ahah), its hilarious!

anw what is the true meaning of cui?!! i really dont know esp when its used in every single context u can possibly find. i think it roughly means like "to be in a pathetic state" or smth to this effect right. but now no more. anything can be and will be cui. its meaning is reduced to a mere "any negative situation". overheard a conv today and the guy kept using it like its the only word in his vocab bank. i wonder why cus he looks quite english educated aniway.

him: yeah the cab fare frm ______ to _______ is about $____ (blanks cus i forgot the details)
him: cui!


in what sense is it cui? it is simply EXPENSIVE. not to slam anyone who likes to use this word, i dont mind it every now and then but it definitely irks me if it is used for every single frigging thing. like ur com is cui, the light is cui, the air is cui, the ceiling is cui, ur imaginery friend is cui, everything under the sun, on top of the sun, things not in existence, they are all cui!!!!

omg hurhur. what an emotional entry.. must be the stress.

was talking to Z this morning. =D gahhhh, anw one thing to do before i die: go watch a live NBA game!!! hai so many things that i wanna do man.. and makes me think about going for exchange to experience all these too.... shall psycho people again to apply with me

phew what a long entry. ok no time to waste, bizlaw and dreadful FM here i come!

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