this past week's been really boring with all the presentations going on, at least they're over now. but more to come. ugh. i think i really suck at presenting. im so unbelievably boring i dun feel like looking at the audience. lol. what if i catch them snoozing? zzz, maybe i'll throw something at em. *chuckles*
anw, ive managed to spread the love for squash among the netballers! the latest victim is lowyilun, who is pretty good at it i must say! strong hits and all. good!! ((: next up: tennis!! hmmm and apeaking of which, ive gotten myself a tennis racket. haha. only 43 bucks! quite a bargain for a babolat racket. tho sadly it isnt the same model as what nadal's using. lol. donkz, that one will prolly cost a bomb. hmm nvm, maybe if i strike lottery i'll get that. then again, there are so many things i wanna buy.
oh oh anw ive also caught wall E last week and ive been recommeding it to everyone. hees. it's awesome! very very cute and rather sweet, tho the main dialogues actually consist of "wall EEEE and evaaaaaaaa". hahah. go catch it! i had fun watching it. =D
hmm anw rather lazy to blog. i shall leave u all with some OVERDUED pics from my cac camp. not all. i'll just post some in every post then, to keep readers coming in hahah.
SP night pics another day!! bye all.
i missssssss......U! (:
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