0043hrs. i should probably get to work soon. i'm supposed to have done some catching up over the weekends but obviously i havent been doing conscientious revision. lol. been working/playing/sleeping, basically wasting my life away. HAHA. gosh... but it's been fun.
tennis-ed with sis and her friends on fri. i felt rather dumb walking all the way to the stadium TWICE to book the courts. long story. haha. it was rather expensive... 13bucks for 2 hrs. partly because of the peak hr rate from 6 to 7pm. ahhhh. but it's ok, we all absorbed the cost. hahaha.
it was uber fun, i "won" in the little "match" we had! haha. notice the excessive use of inverted commas. ohwell, thats cus i seriously think shouwen let me win. lol. hilarious. he's from aj too!!! cool huh, and he's a friend of yeeyan's bro! its always nice to meet aj people in school. we are good at tennis :P HAHA, my sis got suaned like mad but i couldnt help laugh a lil too.. at her unique style.
so yeah that was the highlight of my week i guess, so u can imagine the boring life i lead now. zzz. had work on sat and then went over to zihui's house to watch meteor garden omg. i noticed the bad acting skills of F4... HAHA. and i realised my hair is kinda long.. feel like layering it more and highlight it!! but im too lazy to do so.. gahhhh. lol.
hmm, anw i just signed up for the standard chartered marathon..... as a volunteer. haha. woulda prefered to be a participant instead, but the impresario com decided that the programmers both subcom and maincom should sign up for canvassing (widely used word) purposes. well its alright with me, am prepared to have a blast alr, considering its on such an important day.... 7th dec. im under the impression that everyone will be celebrating the birth of a super important person. LOL. but anws, got free tshirt somemore!! *beams* realised im highly receptive towards free shirts, no idea why. haha. i'll be down from 1am to 2pm+++ i think, good...! can skip work. hahah.
ok anw i should better get going. i wasted another 1hr of my life typing this entry when i should be studying marketing or sth. stupid.. i hate marketing proj!!!!! altho it's supposedly the most interesting module i am taking but I HATE IT. :S
pics time!!!!
dont u find it very intimidating to have sooooo many GLS/seniors eavesdropping on you while u are having a nice chat with your sp? HAHA. i personally think the smack butt pic is damn hilarious.. ((: and not forgetting our group's muscle man.. notice how im not in most pics. hahaha. shall put em up when i feel like it (to attract readers to stay tuned... is lun going to laugh at this again?), im not about to spoil my image yet.. haha..
nights all. long week ahead!!!
somehow, i just need you to be here. but i guess youre not.
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