i'll be there for you, like ive been there before.
i'll be there for you, cus youre there for me too..
g'day mate. hmm, i just watched the final episode of friends (again) on youtube.. rahh, it never fails to make me feel so bittersweet, especially at the last scene where each of them handed their keys to the apartment back. it's almost like a perfect closure.
hmm.. i think that the scriptwriters are geniuses, from how they manage to link everything so well together... like there's meaning to every detail and every joke they put in. its really the best sitcom ever - witty and funny, unlike many of the comedies which are just downright lame.
the way they weave all the storylines together, it just paints a big picture of how strong the friendship was between the six of em... and how friendships should be like. i mean in the show, they are always covering for one another (tho unwillingly sometimes), no matter how embarrassing the situation is. haha. sometimes i wonder, would there be anyone willing to risk their reputation to help out a friend. somehow i dun really think so... but yeah... it's just a show huh?
yeah i know people come and go - they would have different priorities set out for them at some point in their lives and thus no matter how close you are or had been, things are bound to change sooner or later.
ok i'd better stop myself from saying things i might probably regret, let's leave it as that. i dun deny having my fair share of disappointments but at the end of the day, if it doesnt matter to you, it doesnt matter to me. take it one day at a time.
ok on to other matters... hmmm, played tennis ytd!! HAHA. hilarioussss. i think i looked pretty stupid next to my dad's colleagues, whom contrary to my initial impressions, are all young and sporty! oh my.. haha. 3 of them should be around 20+, malaysians... the other one maybe early 30s? haha. dad was the most senior there. but honestly i think he's still young at heart. (:
anw, two of them were really good at tennis and were teaching dad how to play and all. haha. i think dad's not bad seriously, at least he seems to have good control of his hits. unlike me. i looked so stupid initially cus the ball flew everywhere. zz i hadn't played in a long while. but thankfully after awhile it got better. but it was so tiring.. i chased practically every ball in attempt to SWEAT... and i did! haha.. happy. yeah so just imagine me sprinting from side to side trying to get to the ball before it bounced twice.. it's good training.
soooo.. anyone up for tennis wimme sometime? i dun mind squash also. but i wanna work on my strokes for tennis. yeah i can get it across the net but it's almost always floaty and uh, without power. even when i hit it with more strength, there is still no speed. it just flies out of court. it looks stupid. i did not intend for it to be a lob that's gone haywire. lol. i need the uuhhhmp. haha.
ho wells.. really hopes to learn more things within this two months. arms are aching slightly now. haha. i feel fat still.
rahhhh. oh anw, mom's gone to batam alr and im like home alone now. so sad. hmmm.. lun's going overseas too to sydney. hope they both have fun!
just found this pic randomly on my com. taken at a "studying session" during the pre-A levels period. or was it prelims. so unglam... and look at the drawings on my wrist. it's supposed to be a "tattoo" drawn by tash. haha. crazy woman. cant wait to catch up with her again tho (:
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