ok not exactly the latest renault f1 car design but i prefer the old version. which is not only better aesthetically but in all aspects.
hola. mmm, it's been awhile. feelin pretty sleepy now and there's tuition later. ultra zzz. but ohwells, least it'll just be for 2 hrs. hurray to that.
oh right, this week's gonna be pretty packed with work for me. just got a promotor's job for renault roadshow at vivo startin thurs, with big thanks to amery for recommending me. ((: was supposed to be a five day job but i can only make it for three. am kinda surprised they still want me.. considering i couldnt go during weekends. rahh maybe i should skip my tuition job on sat.. HAHA. tho that'll be wrong... good, but wrong.. haha.
but it sounds like quite a saigang job actually :X from what they're saying i am in charge of blowing balloons (HAHA), distributing stuff.. making sure brochures are enough.. selling merchandises occasionally. hmm but but.. im in charge of THE KEY. the keys of all keys one might say. ok lame. tho i really wonder why they would trust me with that. but yea hopefully it'll be fun.. and it'll be awesome if the balloon pumps are helium filled so i can bring back some to play!
lala. bored.. lookin forward to the event filled week (hopefully) ahead. oh yea drop by vivo if u are free! i'll be there on the 19th, 20th, 23rd june. ok maybe not for me but for the cars. haha. donkz. gonna catch some shuteye for now. tmr's pretty hectic too i think. dental in the morning, followed by a trip to renault showroom to get some stuff... maybe even teaching in the evening (tho i sincerely hope not) rahh nvm. yawnns.
and oh i really need to stop eating. faaaaaaaat.
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