is it just me... or is talking to you such an impossible task now.
if you are really that bent on snubbing people, i'll just let you be. let you be.
they say that absence make the heart grow fonder. i really wanna believe in that make-believe crap statement but honestly it is hard to do so. i am starting to be convinced that the only thing it does is to make the heart forget. live and let live i shall. what lingers will dissipate in time, albeit slowly.
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Wednesday, June 25, 2008

pretty much sums up my promoters job. boring.. and really, some of the guys, err nope, UNCLES, are just so..... zzzz! nothing to say. like pls, take a look in the mirror luh. act ur age, it aint getting younger just cus you try to be. ((:
seriously~ but i think its a scary world out there. lol. i dun think i'll ever enjoy working. :X and somehow i think we're still wrapped up in our own little world although most of us had been exposed to the working environment since the long vacation started. sure... u may have witnessed all the politics. but it isnt as good as it gets, there is always more. haha. oh no i dun make sense. must be all the sleep i've lost these days.... rahh, im so tiredddddd. zzz.
abit lazy to blog. just wrote this crappy one out of boredom and well, to announce that im still alive. shall get going soon..
hmm oh ya i wanted to comment tht my boss is really nice! HAHA. he gave me his limited edition ghost deck (playing cards) which i had intended to buy from him. LOL. it's really cool. hehs. okok shall watch some tv for now. zz. ciaos~
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
free ad.
ok not exactly the latest renault f1 car design but i prefer the old version. which is not only better aesthetically but in all aspects.
hola. mmm, it's been awhile. feelin pretty sleepy now and there's tuition later. ultra zzz. but ohwells, least it'll just be for 2 hrs. hurray to that.
oh right, this week's gonna be pretty packed with work for me. just got a promotor's job for renault roadshow at vivo startin thurs, with big thanks to amery for recommending me. ((: was supposed to be a five day job but i can only make it for three. am kinda surprised they still want me.. considering i couldnt go during weekends. rahh maybe i should skip my tuition job on sat.. HAHA. tho that'll be wrong... good, but wrong.. haha.
but it sounds like quite a saigang job actually :X from what they're saying i am in charge of blowing balloons (HAHA), distributing stuff.. making sure brochures are enough.. selling merchandises occasionally. hmm but but.. im in charge of THE KEY. the keys of all keys one might say. ok lame. tho i really wonder why they would trust me with that. but yea hopefully it'll be fun.. and it'll be awesome if the balloon pumps are helium filled so i can bring back some to play!
lala. bored.. lookin forward to the event filled week (hopefully) ahead. oh yea drop by vivo if u are free! i'll be there on the 19th, 20th, 23rd june. ok maybe not for me but for the cars. haha. donkz. gonna catch some shuteye for now. tmr's pretty hectic too i think. dental in the morning, followed by a trip to renault showroom to get some stuff... maybe even teaching in the evening (tho i sincerely hope not) rahh nvm. yawnns.
and oh i really need to stop eating. faaaaaaaat.
Thursday, June 12, 2008
i'll be there for you, when the rain starts to fall
i'll be there for you, like ive been there before.
i'll be there for you, cus youre there for me too..
g'day mate. hmm, i just watched the final episode of friends (again) on youtube.. rahh, it never fails to make me feel so bittersweet, especially at the last scene where each of them handed their keys to the apartment back. it's almost like a perfect closure.
hmm.. i think that the scriptwriters are geniuses, from how they manage to link everything so well together... like there's meaning to every detail and every joke they put in. its really the best sitcom ever - witty and funny, unlike many of the comedies which are just downright lame.
the way they weave all the storylines together, it just paints a big picture of how strong the friendship was between the six of em... and how friendships should be like. i mean in the show, they are always covering for one another (tho unwillingly sometimes), no matter how embarrassing the situation is. haha. sometimes i wonder, would there be anyone willing to risk their reputation to help out a friend. somehow i dun really think so... but yeah... it's just a show huh?
yeah i know people come and go - they would have different priorities set out for them at some point in their lives and thus no matter how close you are or had been, things are bound to change sooner or later.
ok i'd better stop myself from saying things i might probably regret, let's leave it as that. i dun deny having my fair share of disappointments but at the end of the day, if it doesnt matter to you, it doesnt matter to me. take it one day at a time.
ok on to other matters... hmmm, played tennis ytd!! HAHA. hilarioussss. i think i looked pretty stupid next to my dad's colleagues, whom contrary to my initial impressions, are all young and sporty! oh my.. haha. 3 of them should be around 20+, malaysians... the other one maybe early 30s? haha. dad was the most senior there. but honestly i think he's still young at heart. (:
anw, two of them were really good at tennis and were teaching dad how to play and all. haha. i think dad's not bad seriously, at least he seems to have good control of his hits. unlike me. i looked so stupid initially cus the ball flew everywhere. zz i hadn't played in a long while. but thankfully after awhile it got better. but it was so tiring.. i chased practically every ball in attempt to SWEAT... and i did! haha.. happy. yeah so just imagine me sprinting from side to side trying to get to the ball before it bounced twice.. it's good training.
soooo.. anyone up for tennis wimme sometime? i dun mind squash also. but i wanna work on my strokes for tennis. yeah i can get it across the net but it's almost always floaty and uh, without power. even when i hit it with more strength, there is still no speed. it just flies out of court. it looks stupid. i did not intend for it to be a lob that's gone haywire. lol. i need the uuhhhmp. haha.
ho wells.. really hopes to learn more things within this two months. arms are aching slightly now. haha. i feel fat still.
rahhhh. oh anw, mom's gone to batam alr and im like home alone now. so sad. hmmm.. lun's going overseas too to sydney. hope they both have fun!

just found this pic randomly on my com. taken at a "studying session" during the pre-A levels period. or was it prelims. so unglam... and look at the drawings on my wrist. it's supposed to be a "tattoo" drawn by tash. haha. crazy woman. cant wait to catch up with her again tho (:
i'll be there for you, like ive been there before.
i'll be there for you, cus youre there for me too..
g'day mate. hmm, i just watched the final episode of friends (again) on youtube.. rahh, it never fails to make me feel so bittersweet, especially at the last scene where each of them handed their keys to the apartment back. it's almost like a perfect closure.
hmm.. i think that the scriptwriters are geniuses, from how they manage to link everything so well together... like there's meaning to every detail and every joke they put in. its really the best sitcom ever - witty and funny, unlike many of the comedies which are just downright lame.
the way they weave all the storylines together, it just paints a big picture of how strong the friendship was between the six of em... and how friendships should be like. i mean in the show, they are always covering for one another (tho unwillingly sometimes), no matter how embarrassing the situation is. haha. sometimes i wonder, would there be anyone willing to risk their reputation to help out a friend. somehow i dun really think so... but yeah... it's just a show huh?
yeah i know people come and go - they would have different priorities set out for them at some point in their lives and thus no matter how close you are or had been, things are bound to change sooner or later.
ok i'd better stop myself from saying things i might probably regret, let's leave it as that. i dun deny having my fair share of disappointments but at the end of the day, if it doesnt matter to you, it doesnt matter to me. take it one day at a time.
ok on to other matters... hmmm, played tennis ytd!! HAHA. hilarioussss. i think i looked pretty stupid next to my dad's colleagues, whom contrary to my initial impressions, are all young and sporty! oh my.. haha. 3 of them should be around 20+, malaysians... the other one maybe early 30s? haha. dad was the most senior there. but honestly i think he's still young at heart. (:
anw, two of them were really good at tennis and were teaching dad how to play and all. haha. i think dad's not bad seriously, at least he seems to have good control of his hits. unlike me. i looked so stupid initially cus the ball flew everywhere. zz i hadn't played in a long while. but thankfully after awhile it got better. but it was so tiring.. i chased practically every ball in attempt to SWEAT... and i did! haha.. happy. yeah so just imagine me sprinting from side to side trying to get to the ball before it bounced twice.. it's good training.
soooo.. anyone up for tennis wimme sometime? i dun mind squash also. but i wanna work on my strokes for tennis. yeah i can get it across the net but it's almost always floaty and uh, without power. even when i hit it with more strength, there is still no speed. it just flies out of court. it looks stupid. i did not intend for it to be a lob that's gone haywire. lol. i need the uuhhhmp. haha.
ho wells.. really hopes to learn more things within this two months. arms are aching slightly now. haha. i feel fat still.
rahhhh. oh anw, mom's gone to batam alr and im like home alone now. so sad. hmmm.. lun's going overseas too to sydney. hope they both have fun!
just found this pic randomly on my com. taken at a "studying session" during the pre-A levels period. or was it prelims. so unglam... and look at the drawings on my wrist. it's supposed to be a "tattoo" drawn by tash. haha. crazy woman. cant wait to catch up with her again tho (:
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
music for the soul.
Nothing's gonna change my love for you
you ought to know by now how much I love you
one thing you can be sure of
I'll never ask for more than your love
lol, such a mushy song with mushy lyrics. hmmm. just suddenly thought of this oldie by air supply. very sweet.
ok anw im bored typing my science worksheets, but i gotta admit some questions really kinda cracked me up a lil, and let's face it, the setter doesnt possess the best linguistic ability. haha.. let me show you what they ask.
Q1: Susan finds the hairs in her nose very ugly and decided to remove them. Is her action advisable?
lol.. i duno why im tickled by this question, but.. it's kinda bimbotic i feel. LOL. but that aside, i actually remember the concept of this question! hurss.. god i miss bio. rahhhh. i prefer jc bio tho.. hmm..
oh right, and in another question, one of the options was : A person picking up an ice with an ice THONG. omg.. hahaha. no wonder kids these days are getting more and more dirty minded.. donkz.
;P hmmm, anw. im pretty excited bout wed, cus im gonna play tennis with dad and his colleagues! HEHE. ok im prolly gonna be so extra there and i'll most likely look so amateur but i dun really care, cus i miss playing it so much. it's been soooooo long. rahh, rmb setting up this "tennis club" with some of em class guys. wonders if they can still recall not. LOL. arhh i miss em. ho wells.. hope they're doing great in army. cant wait for a gathering man.. oh ya, so tennis. hopes i can do reasonably well and at least get it across the net and hit the desired spot if not it'll be so paiseh. *beams* oh btw, federer speaks sexy french. HEHE. yuan, if ure reading, im sure gwen too right? haha. he's cute.
ok what else. oh... still tryin to do some "at-home-self-improvement-courses". i.e. learnin some songs on my stupid keyboard and so far it's been frustrating. i wanna get a piano man.. haha.. or at least a proper keyboard with MORE KEYS. donkz.. and im getting better at my card tricks.
LOL. actually i think i just need a gullible/not-observant audience luh. HAHA. yay!
ok i'd better get back to typing my worksheets. been bout 45 mins and i only typed 5 questions! oh no...
i miss you i miss you i miss you.. i could go on forever.
(edit. 5.27pm)
i've been listening to old songs for the entire afternoon, and i guess i am still a rock fan afterall. i miss hearing all those songs that are so much better than today's songs but are sadly forgotten. hmm, well... the memory lives on.
i think im starting to fall in love with the oldies!! HAHA. air supply is AWESOME. hooked on songs by michael bolton, richard marx, elton john, ben e king.. etc! oh no.. i think all these point to the obvious fact that i am an aunty. LOL.
oh ya i initially wanted to post some random pics but blogger was being an ass as usual when it comes to uploading images - the allignment goes all cuckoo. zz. much hate. and i wonder why my blog is so.. pic-less. rahhh nvm. next time maybe. i wanna play tennis or squash right now!!
you ought to know by now how much I love you
one thing you can be sure of
I'll never ask for more than your love
lol, such a mushy song with mushy lyrics. hmmm. just suddenly thought of this oldie by air supply. very sweet.
ok anw im bored typing my science worksheets, but i gotta admit some questions really kinda cracked me up a lil, and let's face it, the setter doesnt possess the best linguistic ability. haha.. let me show you what they ask.
Q1: Susan finds the hairs in her nose very ugly and decided to remove them. Is her action advisable?
lol.. i duno why im tickled by this question, but.. it's kinda bimbotic i feel. LOL. but that aside, i actually remember the concept of this question! hurss.. god i miss bio. rahhhh. i prefer jc bio tho.. hmm..
oh right, and in another question, one of the options was : A person picking up an ice with an ice THONG. omg.. hahaha. no wonder kids these days are getting more and more dirty minded.. donkz.
;P hmmm, anw. im pretty excited bout wed, cus im gonna play tennis with dad and his colleagues! HEHE. ok im prolly gonna be so extra there and i'll most likely look so amateur but i dun really care, cus i miss playing it so much. it's been soooooo long. rahh, rmb setting up this "tennis club" with some of em class guys. wonders if they can still recall not. LOL. arhh i miss em. ho wells.. hope they're doing great in army. cant wait for a gathering man.. oh ya, so tennis. hopes i can do reasonably well and at least get it across the net and hit the desired spot if not it'll be so paiseh. *beams* oh btw, federer speaks sexy french. HEHE. yuan, if ure reading, im sure gwen too right? haha. he's cute.
ok what else. oh... still tryin to do some "at-home-self-improvement-courses". i.e. learnin some songs on my stupid keyboard and so far it's been frustrating. i wanna get a piano man.. haha.. or at least a proper keyboard with MORE KEYS. donkz.. and im getting better at my card tricks.
LOL. actually i think i just need a gullible/not-observant audience luh. HAHA. yay!
ok i'd better get back to typing my worksheets. been bout 45 mins and i only typed 5 questions! oh no...
i miss you i miss you i miss you.. i could go on forever.
(edit. 5.27pm)
i've been listening to old songs for the entire afternoon, and i guess i am still a rock fan afterall. i miss hearing all those songs that are so much better than today's songs but are sadly forgotten. hmm, well... the memory lives on.
i think im starting to fall in love with the oldies!! HAHA. air supply is AWESOME. hooked on songs by michael bolton, richard marx, elton john, ben e king.. etc! oh no.. i think all these point to the obvious fact that i am an aunty. LOL.
oh ya i initially wanted to post some random pics but blogger was being an ass as usual when it comes to uploading images - the allignment goes all cuckoo. zz. much hate. and i wonder why my blog is so.. pic-less. rahhh nvm. next time maybe. i wanna play tennis or squash right now!!
Friday, June 6, 2008
a couple of things have been weighing on my mind recently, and i realised it revolves around the fact that people lack initiative. at least these particular people im referring to fall into this category.
i duno if i have owed people alot of stuff in my past life, that i have to be repaying them now, but i really feel that it is so unjust for me. i mean, i am sacrificing so much for one whom quite frankly, i really dun care about. and doing so much for another who wont care about me. just what on earth have i done them wrong to deserve this.
i mean, wont you feel embarrassed freeloading off another person AT ALL? i cant stand the way u strut here thinking its perfectly alright to be staying and that you belong. well i have news for you, YOU DONT. ahhhhhhhh. im so irritated. do u have any initiative to leave at all.. we dont owe u, and i damn sure dun want you here all the time. so bugger offfffff! its so disrespectful that u even changed ur address... like hello.
i dun think i can say this without revealing all the details so im not gonna. i just needed to rant.
ahhh i duno, my mind is so clouded now, cant really think. zzzzz. 've read two entries that say they dunwanna be burdened by technology (i.e handphones and such), and i think i might wanna join the list. for totally different reasons tho. at this point having a handphone sucks.
i feel so stupid. i wish i can take both of them outta my life right now, which will feel a tad weird but definitely, better.
i think i should go for more runs, tho it doesnt really burn any steam off cus i dun sweat. lol. hmm. which reminds me bout the night run with yilun round yishun. hehe.. was nice, cus i managed to sustain for 35-40 mins tho my lungs were hurting and leg was cramping. but yes, still no sweat. *burns the sweat glands alive* haha, good day spent.
rahhh i think its time for mythbusters. oh yes im going back to work on sat. siannnnnnn. dun really feel like teaching but i guess i'll have to go if i want my may pay. haha. rhymes...
ok shall go now. bbye.
i guess u'll never hear me when i say i miss u. u dun listen anymore.
i duno if i have owed people alot of stuff in my past life, that i have to be repaying them now, but i really feel that it is so unjust for me. i mean, i am sacrificing so much for one whom quite frankly, i really dun care about. and doing so much for another who wont care about me. just what on earth have i done them wrong to deserve this.
i mean, wont you feel embarrassed freeloading off another person AT ALL? i cant stand the way u strut here thinking its perfectly alright to be staying and that you belong. well i have news for you, YOU DONT. ahhhhhhhh. im so irritated. do u have any initiative to leave at all.. we dont owe u, and i damn sure dun want you here all the time. so bugger offfffff! its so disrespectful that u even changed ur address... like hello.
i dun think i can say this without revealing all the details so im not gonna. i just needed to rant.
ahhh i duno, my mind is so clouded now, cant really think. zzzzz. 've read two entries that say they dunwanna be burdened by technology (i.e handphones and such), and i think i might wanna join the list. for totally different reasons tho. at this point having a handphone sucks.
i feel so stupid. i wish i can take both of them outta my life right now, which will feel a tad weird but definitely, better.
i think i should go for more runs, tho it doesnt really burn any steam off cus i dun sweat. lol. hmm. which reminds me bout the night run with yilun round yishun. hehe.. was nice, cus i managed to sustain for 35-40 mins tho my lungs were hurting and leg was cramping. but yes, still no sweat. *burns the sweat glands alive* haha, good day spent.
rahhh i think its time for mythbusters. oh yes im going back to work on sat. siannnnnnn. dun really feel like teaching but i guess i'll have to go if i want my may pay. haha. rhymes...
ok shall go now. bbye.
i guess u'll never hear me when i say i miss u. u dun listen anymore.
Sunday, June 1, 2008
i am cheerful!!!
Lying close to you, feeling your heart beating
And I'm wondering what you're dreaming
Wondering if it's me you're seeing
Then I kiss your eyes and thank God we're together
And I just wanna stay with you
In this moment forever, forever and ever
ahhhh. best song from aerosmith yet. and i dun think david cook's version is impressive at all. honestly. haha. noone can match up to steven tyler's amazing vocals luh..
lala, this past week's been great. met up with people (joyce, liting (!!!), shirong... and hung out with tash and nic briefly today). oh ya, and for the first time ever, i movie-marathoned!! liting are you reading.. can u hear me when i hum the indiana jones tune?! LOL. haha. ooh ohh, just wanna say that i love being a student luh (or at least looking like one), can enjoy so many concession rates!!! it sucks being an adult really. haha.
but anyhoos, my dentist said that im a very cheerful person! LOL. are you guys shocked? hilarious, because for people who know me, or rather, those who dont, will observe that i hardly speak. or that i like to appear calm and aloof. or that i am pure autistic, or whatever. i think he's the first one to continuously insist that im cheerful. *laughs in satisfaction*
heh heh, yeah sure i can come up with lotsa nonsense and be totally relaxed when im with people im comfortable with, but who doesnt? the true test comes when one is with people they have never met, and i know that i will be awkward and most probably mute when i hang out with strangers, as proven all to many times. haha. no kidding, deep down im extremely introverted. HAHAHAH. but its kinda nice to know that i can still appear friendly when need be. (:
so i think the word to use is not cheerful, but nice, or polite, or whatever. lol. can u see that im still beaming? =p but yeh, i think i've grown through all this working experience. and im glad to have made a decision to at least try and be nice to everyone instead of putting on a glum face like how many of the people in the service industry do. so everyone, forget about the emo-trend, be like me, a CHEERFUL dental assistant. HAHAHA. hilarious.
i feel so good these days. like the weight thats been on my shoulders for so long has been lifted. im glad ive finally decided to let the bitterness go. it still feels abit complicated but i am better!! ((:
i hope ur conscience will prick and preferbly eat you alive. oh wait, what am i saying.. do you even have one to begin with. sheeshhh...
im tired.. i lost sleep for nothing. and the worst thing is i cant get back to sleep.
And I'm wondering what you're dreaming
Wondering if it's me you're seeing
Then I kiss your eyes and thank God we're together
And I just wanna stay with you
In this moment forever, forever and ever
ahhhh. best song from aerosmith yet. and i dun think david cook's version is impressive at all. honestly. haha. noone can match up to steven tyler's amazing vocals luh..
lala, this past week's been great. met up with people (joyce, liting (!!!), shirong... and hung out with tash and nic briefly today). oh ya, and for the first time ever, i movie-marathoned!! liting are you reading.. can u hear me when i hum the indiana jones tune?! LOL. haha. ooh ohh, just wanna say that i love being a student luh (or at least looking like one), can enjoy so many concession rates!!! it sucks being an adult really. haha.
but anyhoos, my dentist said that im a very cheerful person! LOL. are you guys shocked? hilarious, because for people who know me, or rather, those who dont, will observe that i hardly speak. or that i like to appear calm and aloof. or that i am pure autistic, or whatever. i think he's the first one to continuously insist that im cheerful. *laughs in satisfaction*
heh heh, yeah sure i can come up with lotsa nonsense and be totally relaxed when im with people im comfortable with, but who doesnt? the true test comes when one is with people they have never met, and i know that i will be awkward and most probably mute when i hang out with strangers, as proven all to many times. haha. no kidding, deep down im extremely introverted. HAHAHAH. but its kinda nice to know that i can still appear friendly when need be. (:
so i think the word to use is not cheerful, but nice, or polite, or whatever. lol. can u see that im still beaming? =p but yeh, i think i've grown through all this working experience. and im glad to have made a decision to at least try and be nice to everyone instead of putting on a glum face like how many of the people in the service industry do. so everyone, forget about the emo-trend, be like me, a CHEERFUL dental assistant. HAHAHA. hilarious.
i feel so good these days. like the weight thats been on my shoulders for so long has been lifted. im glad ive finally decided to let the bitterness go. it still feels abit complicated but i am better!! ((:
i hope ur conscience will prick and preferbly eat you alive. oh wait, what am i saying.. do you even have one to begin with. sheeshhh...
im tired.. i lost sleep for nothing. and the worst thing is i cant get back to sleep.
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