This is bad, week 6 is coming and I'm acting as though I'm on holiday. Whenever I'm free I'll start idling around and stream variety shows, and whenever I'm burdened by projects or school work I escape reality like a 7 year old and still idle around and stream variety shows.
And it's not as though my workload is as chill as a normal year 3 sem 2 accountancy student with probably 2 cores and some electives. I'm taking 4 cores and all are not easy. I'm lost in every class and piled up 5 weeks of readings for every module.
hahaha. Oh well, life still goes on. Hopefully I will find enough motivation to properly think of points for my group presentation on Monday. Yawns. I seriously hate HR courses. hate. People ask me, why do I take it or continue with it. My reply has always been standard - since I've already cleared 3 out of 5, I might as well just go on with it and graduate with a second specialization. But lately I have been unable to convince myself with this argument. It would have been more valid if I don't suck at all the HR modules. All they did were to pull my GPA down. If I hadn't taken it in the first place, I seriously think I might manage a first class honours, or at least a high second upper (I;m not bragging, I;m just lamenting) quite comfortably.
And not to mention my ear has been giving me lots of trouble lately. Started off with earwax buildup at the end of last year.... Then midway through it started bleeding... Then it became well after medication and subsequently the doctor flushed out the gooey wax (ew) out. Lately this earblock returned again. And it's now become a full blown ear infection + pus discharge (double ew), which I believe has been there since the time it started bleeding. That led me to think of how much information assymetry a doctor and a patient has, and how helpless we are to have to trust everything a doctor says. After so many trips to the clinic, I believe one or two of them are telling me bullshit. What are the right questions to ask?
Anw, if it doesnt heal up by this week I guess I would probably have to be referred to a hospital. Oh well, on medication now and I hope it will stop bothering me ever again. Keeps fingers crossed!
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