so i felt so sian diao learning about the fact yesterday. that means i've WASTED one whole month rotting away during the wait for my BTT date and now it's so damn difficult to get continuous slots (as in maybe at least twice a week) which is important for beginning stages, no? any more technical issues i should know of before i get surprised like that again...
okay that aside, lessons are going slow and steady. spent my second lesson going round and round the circuit (which i could have done while waiting for btt UGHHH) for the whole 100mins, im having fun but i feel bored for the instructor. HAHA. although i think he's quite zai in teaching. thumbs up! am at 2nd gear now hopefully soon i can get out of the circuit and start terrorizing people on the roads!!!
hmmmm oh yeah last week i tried rollerblading for the first time in my life! HAHA. looks like i have affinity with wheels these days. well it was damn scary and i believe ive made a spectacle outta myself - falling on my butt on my very first step, in front of quite a no. of people. LOL. and the rest was just whoaaaaaaaaa-ing all the way. what a sight. but at least i can blade without assistance!!! although it's really unpredictable. one moment im actually gliding effortlessly and the next im on the grass patch with my butt facing everyone. haha. at least i tried!
and mom's carrying out my dieting plans very seriously. not that im actually trying to go on a diet cus thats just not my style.. why stop urself from enjoying the one of the best luxuries in life!!! but it just so happens that im waking up abit later these days, eating abit less and exercising abit more. so mom totally plan her cooking so that i will skip a meal a day. like go for brunch instead of having breakfast and lunch.. combine lunch and dinner (just when i thought my dunching days are over) if we could help it.. sigh..... i want food you know!!!!
anyway the channel 8 variety show 国记交意所 is seriously drop dead funny. you guys should catch it if u are free.. 8pm every tuesday. ROCKS. plus the scottish guy (actually i like everyone) is really cute hurhurhurh.

ain't he the cutest!!!!! :D

US guy and korean girl!

ang mo kio in chinese became cat hair!

xiao an an..
hahaha oh no i might seem too free doing this so i shall stop! happy happy

someone commented he looks like david archuleta.. abit! but cuter.. LOL. fabio on the background is my sis's fav btw. :D
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