i swear, the other time on the train, the air smelt like the container classroom's aircon. those from aj would know that it's a....unique smell that's abit musty. haha. so i was like woahhhh.
okay anw! it's nearing the end of semester, with all the projects clearing one by one. so i think it's apt to show some appreciation for my groupmates too, especially my favourite group from OB&D... popeye! haha. i know it's a lame name but we were assigned the name so it wasnt our fault.
we just had our final presentation on monday, and that was the last group component we had for the module. im sure we all felt quite relieved to some extent after that (some of them have no more presentations left!!!!! *fumes* haha), but it just felt so empty. the few weeks of hardwork had paid off, but it transpired only to the 30 minutes we had.
awwww. so much more to prove.
i'm really glad to have been part of this wonderful team, having fun at the same time working hard. all that slogging is worth it, and also the weight i put on because we kept eating!!! haha. we sure can eat! looking forward to our post-exams celebrations man.
and i'll certainly miss laughing at the econs lecturer or rather, any of the lecturers, with darius. haha. hilarious. wasnt sitting with him today but then when the econs lecturer started going on with her wonderful pronounciation (basically adding an 's' behind everyword and replacing 'l's with 'r's and 'v's with 'w's), i just smsed him:
"so unemployment is inwwwwersely related to inflation?"
his reply almost made me laugh out loud. "no la! is unemploymentsss is inwwwersely related to inflationssss". HAHA.
cheers. enjoy our OB pics. once again, it's us darius, jieyu, jocelyn, homer and kit. :D

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