....of course not shuai ges from school. HAHA
sigh today's the last day of stoning and whatnot. school's gonna begin for real TMR! sucks. i still cant decide what i should drop. can HR stop bombing me with shit like that? bleargh.
oh well, who needs to hear about school? i'm sure we all have our tough times that we have to deal with. ;) with these difficult moments, i have my dramas (!!!) as a form of escape. actually this is an extremely delayed post that ive been procrastinating (but hey, yeekeong taught me the merits of procrastinating) since the holidays, to the point that my favourite boy has sorta, uh, changed. hees. but you see, better late than never, and i bet NONE OF YOU WILL BE INTERESTED ANYWAY. haha. im so sad that everyone's doubting my taste when it comes to hotties. wah lau eh... come on leh:( i shall try to convince YOU (marketing) that they are indeed, HAWT. or cool.
SHOTA MATSUDAmy first favourite. haha. it all started with the drama "Liar Game", which you all should watch btw! it's damnnnnnnnn nice. and quite hilarious too. altho you would have to deal with irritating cast like toda erika, and basically, everyone else. dont worry akiyama-san totally makes up for it!:D
there's a season 2 but i think that it's not that good.. so far im not really impressed with it. but season 1 is AWESOME. i especially loved the minority rule and ressurection game. really, watch it!

Promo poster for the show. okay first off, i really do not understand why on earth did anyone permit that pic to be the promo pic. i mean, look at shota's HAIR!!! wth. he looks positively ghastly here. :S

much better here!!! haha. btw, he acted as soujirou (xi men) in hana yori dango. he looks great over there!!
of course, not everyone agrees with me (in fact noone did =( ) dammit. haha. my sis says that he looks girly. NO HE DOES NOT. and she kept whispering to me while we were watching Avatar that those american guys are manly. -_-"" lol. sigh, the only thing girly about him is perhaps his weight? coz he's just so so so skinny. (my motivation to slim down eh) but then again, all jap guys are like that - its difficult to find meat on them.
and then, yanling said that he looked creepy. i can see why, cos stupid google decided to post THISSSSSS pic as the second found pic.

they really know how to make him look good. dammit. its like a failed passport photo (just like every other passport sized photo of everyone else). why isnt anyone sued for circulating that pic on the net?

ALL TIME FAVOURITE PIC! pls dont say cos cannot see his face. lol. loving it. =) plus i think he has gentle hands. it sounds weird and sick in a way but its true! LOL. FYI i dont particularly enjoy seeing guys (or girls) with ugly bitten nails. its just a personal preference;)
okay so anyway, ive watched almost every single of his more famous(2007 onwards) drama during this short holiday. but then it started to run out so i turned to...
CODE BLUE. another awesome one btw. basically it's a medical show, which is supposedly kinda sad cos it has a life-and-death theme. but guess what my heart is made of stone so i couldnt really detect the touching moments. hmmm. still, its rather addictive. and meaningful.
and of course, along came
YAMAPI aka Yamashita Tomohisahohoho. he's a more straightforward kind of hotness that people can accept. i think he looks abit like gatsby. lol. you know, mu chun tuo zai? takuya!! haha. cant believe joyce said he's not hot. *raises eyebrows*
altho, i think he went through alot of changes in his looks. from the cutesy teenager to a matured adult really. and im surprised how his personality changed along with his looks.

young days of his nobuta drama(2006?). lol. i guess thats what we call cute.

and at some point, he became HOT. omg. absssss.. totally the fittest jap guy arnd!:D

wooohooooo in code blue!! Aizawa sinsei. haha. i think he looks best like that. if only his style would just stay this way.
but his stylist decided to CHU STUNT (lol uni lingo once more) and give him a lau kok kok look in code blue 2. i tell you, im literally CRUSHED.

..... not a big fan of this come on. WHY CANT THEY LET THE TAKUYA STYLE REMAIN!!
haha. okay im such a fangirl. hehs. last week of "holidays" thats why... i might not have the chance to drama anymore starting next week =( sianz.
but anyway the reason why im doing this post is cos people have been asking me what kind of guys i like. LOL. ooooohkay. whats with this rushing to get me attached ah? *raises eyebrows*
well i can give u a list of criteria that i like (not in any particular order):
1) shy - cos this means he doesnt talk TOO MUCH. narssicism is not what im looking for. but he must be able to carry a conversation, because 2 introverts together can be quite boring. haha.
2) mysterious - i think this is attractive LOL. but not act cool PLS
3) humourous - not in a BOOMZ kind of way. i like subtle/witty humour. not ji lame yi xia (shudders)
4) love for nature - HAHAHA ok this is not a criteria but im an environmentalist if you didnt already know.
5) looks? - i'd be lying if i said looks dont matter. but then again, its not the most important. oh and nice hands. hahah =D
6) can sing? or musically inclined so he can teach me.
7) like-mindedness
8) NICE PEARLY TEETH!!! - the only potential bad thing about yamapi is that he doesnt have the nicest teeth. but i can totally live with that!:D
yeah, i can say all i want, but like shota said (he likes girls with dimples btw, I HAVEE!!!! i guess. hahaha), this is just what u think, the actual one who comes along may not be an exact fit, or not even close to it. i can say so coz those guys whom i've liked/am liking are quite the opposite of shy and mysterious. haha.
only shota and yamapi fits the bill now. esp shota! he's really so quiet in interviews - doesnt talk much, but when he does, he always makes everyone laugh. =D haha. yamapi is just COOL lah. sigh...
so what now? im going to fly to japan to just marry them. wait for my good news! LOL.
sian school tmr. i cant believe i spent 2 hours blogging on this? instead of doing internship application (shingz) or readings. :S