whew, what a day! and it's 4.30am yet again.. waiting for hair to dry so i shall attempt to wipe some dust off this blog. hmmm.
rahh, i think im living in the wrong time zone man, US timing suits me more. think i only slept normally for one day before reverting back to this kinda timing again, where the birds start chirping and everything... which is freaking noisy i must say, but i think it reminds me of the good ol' uniform days so it's okay. :D
hmm, realised i always end up listening to other people's blogs songs altho i dont really like some of them. no idea why but i have this odd thing about me - i dont like songs to be stopped halfway. must be OCD acting up again.. lol. so i either anticipate and pause before they start or just listen em until they end. most of the time i navigate away so joyce arent u honoured i ALWAYS let 'yellow' play all the way? hehe.. loves the song. anyone wanna go catch coldplay's concert? haha.
aniway, as i was saying, what a day. or rather, what a week. believe it or not, recess week is almost over. it's seriously not a break la, let's see what i have breathing down my neck. 1 individual written assignment, 2 presentations some weeks away, 2 FM reports, 1 accounting report and 1 database IT project which nobody seems to care/wanna do. HMMM. i think it's gonna be a struggle ahead man so i'd better pull up my socks and STUDY this week or else no time to do so anymore.. sigh... drowning. yet im still like slacking away.
today was a totally wasted day, as in studying-wise. cus it was rather fun and high! haha. started off with work in the morning which wasn't so ummm, enjoyable. thankfully i didnt get slaughtered by the patients la cus of my dentist's delay. he came in bout 3hrs late. gosh. im happy i survived it.. earnt 53bucks for today (pay's pretty good HAHA) but sadly it was gone in a flash man after an outing with sis... hai, should probably save up during such bad times! haha.
after a movie i spent more money again (i've transformed from espirit girl to ZARA girl!! haha upgrade) and was supposed to head home actually but ended up going to this chillout place called "the teaparty" with amery and his friends. it was hilarious man, watching them play monopoly. i was the conservative banker who didnt wanna part with the cash. HAHA.
hmmm, the way they play monopoly is really different from how i used to play it! gosh, must be because sis anyhow make up the rules again. she was very fond of doing that last time.. still rmb how she taught us """"""chinese chess"""""". LOL cant emphasize more on how wrong her concept was... heh
aniway amery ended up kicking everyone's ass la. hilarious, there was this whole stretch of dangerous territory that ended up making everyone bankrupt. HAHA. then i, as the banker, kept giving them $200 subsidies everytime they passed one round. freaking hilarious. i was damn gleeful the whole way.
but hai got home so late again.. and tmr gotta be down for impresario finals (yes they finally called us out to help) the whole day!! heng we managed to be stationed in nanyang audi so we can prob watch the competition as well. yay... ahaha. happy. okay so i gotta be up in bout 4 hours time?? man.. gonna be so sleep deprived again. rahh..
okay shall go now. goodnites everyone..
can't cure this missing you. looks like im never gonna be able to let this feeling go.
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Monday, February 16, 2009
i will follow you into the dark.
buenos dias.. woah it's 4am again.
quick post. zzz.. plus mom usually likes to creep arnd at this time to ask me to sleep and if not for my strong heart, i would have suffered some serious heartattacks a million times over. haha.
been sleeping at unearthly hours lately and barely getting 4 hours of shuteye each day. but not exactly suffering from sleep deprivation either cus of my long naps. hehe.. feels good to abandon everything and just be....unaware of everything that's around. where u can choose to dream on - exercise ur imagination, or just be in complete oblivion and... a living breathing blob. hahah.
aniway, learnt about the passing of an ajcian bout a week ago, and it still tugs the heart altho i dont know her personally. she seems like a really nice person from the testimony of others. cant imagine how her loved ones, friends and family, must be feeling. not really in the position to say much, but i really hope they'll recover soon.
hmmmmmm.. perhaps i should go now. dont really know what else to say. but anw i hope to earn some money so i can go for self improvement courses. haha.. random. gotta take up driving by year end. cant let people who are 2 years younger get a license before me!!!! haha.
so many other things to learn. at least i have done spanish... hopes to take up something musical (say piano!!!?!), new sports, and i wanna travel! i should just casually ask my uni friends if they wanna go on a trip this holiday then.. mmhmm..
nites, its 4.09am! gosh.. early morn again laterz.
i will follow you into the dark......
quick post. zzz.. plus mom usually likes to creep arnd at this time to ask me to sleep and if not for my strong heart, i would have suffered some serious heartattacks a million times over. haha.
been sleeping at unearthly hours lately and barely getting 4 hours of shuteye each day. but not exactly suffering from sleep deprivation either cus of my long naps. hehe.. feels good to abandon everything and just be....unaware of everything that's around. where u can choose to dream on - exercise ur imagination, or just be in complete oblivion and... a living breathing blob. hahah.
aniway, learnt about the passing of an ajcian bout a week ago, and it still tugs the heart altho i dont know her personally. she seems like a really nice person from the testimony of others. cant imagine how her loved ones, friends and family, must be feeling. not really in the position to say much, but i really hope they'll recover soon.
hmmmmmm.. perhaps i should go now. dont really know what else to say. but anw i hope to earn some money so i can go for self improvement courses. haha.. random. gotta take up driving by year end. cant let people who are 2 years younger get a license before me!!!! haha.
so many other things to learn. at least i have done spanish... hopes to take up something musical (say piano!!!?!), new sports, and i wanna travel! i should just casually ask my uni friends if they wanna go on a trip this holiday then.. mmhmm..
nites, its 4.09am! gosh.. early morn again laterz.
i will follow you into the dark......
Monday, February 9, 2009
contrary to my expectations.....not aching!!
hola amigos. teehees :D
feeling rather happy now after having caught up with my sleep. am so sleep deprived for.. no reason. zzz. and of course, had quite a blast ytd :D
firstly, i climbed 60storeys, on the narrow, viewless, small, (insert all kinds of bad adjectives) flights of stairs. and there was no dramatic rooftop finishing btw. haiyo, where's the incentive?! anw it was rather unglam and diu lian (understatement!), but im glad i have awesome, patient teammates. hahah. you-know-who, u can consider you-know-who u know. HAHA. i think he's very nice. and his friend is quite funny.. too bad i wasnt in the condition to respond to his jokes. LOL. the colour pretty much drained from my face every step i took. :O time for exercise!
but anw, the side games were quite fun. miss national netball player couldnt get a pass thru the hoop while i (the renowned bad passer) did! HEHEHE. dont kick me :) showed off my superb archery skills too with the target so close to the shooting line. haiyo. and we pretty much hogged the bball arcade machine. super fun!! tho my arms were aching. why so unfit?!
after that went for the surprise birthday party for nik and tash planned by nadine...! HAHA. was rather last min but im glad i went. hmmmm.. i was late but still had to wait for the queens to arrive. lol. and cus i went alone while the others were all in their happy groups, i was like omg what should i do... should i read (i had my essential spanish book with me)? hahahah! but i think their church friends're very nice and friendly. and musically inclined.
plus i dressed damn lok kok-ly la. i should request they mosaic my stinky clothes and fbt and photoshop in some glam outfits..
oooooooooooooooooook. gosh. slacked the whole day yet again. somehow i feel like lazing my years away. lol kidding. hmmmmms. suddenly missing everyone.
natasha tay hui if ure reading. let's hang out soon ok! you havent treated me to my meal leh. haha. dont disappear from my life ok. same goes for you, you, you, you, and you.....!
haha K-boxing tmr! woohoo. gotta go rehearse some songs now. lol. oh wait, should preserve voice. hahaha. alright then..
hasta luego!

THANKS lun for being my buddy for almost... everything. new year shopping, feasting, sports.. life's awesome with u arnd!
hope i get pics from the party too. yep... better go study. nah i think i'd prefer sleeping. hmm. goodnites!
i think chinese songs are the most emo of all when it comes to the lyrics. why always lost love?! in any case, i like this song very much (: cheers... cant wait to k later!
feeling rather happy now after having caught up with my sleep. am so sleep deprived for.. no reason. zzz. and of course, had quite a blast ytd :D
firstly, i climbed 60storeys, on the narrow, viewless, small, (insert all kinds of bad adjectives) flights of stairs. and there was no dramatic rooftop finishing btw. haiyo, where's the incentive?! anw it was rather unglam and diu lian (understatement!), but im glad i have awesome, patient teammates. hahah. you-know-who, u can consider you-know-who u know. HAHA. i think he's very nice. and his friend is quite funny.. too bad i wasnt in the condition to respond to his jokes. LOL. the colour pretty much drained from my face every step i took. :O time for exercise!
but anw, the side games were quite fun. miss national netball player couldnt get a pass thru the hoop while i (the renowned bad passer) did! HEHEHE. dont kick me :) showed off my superb archery skills too with the target so close to the shooting line. haiyo. and we pretty much hogged the bball arcade machine. super fun!! tho my arms were aching. why so unfit?!
after that went for the surprise birthday party for nik and tash planned by nadine...! HAHA. was rather last min but im glad i went. hmmmm.. i was late but still had to wait for the queens to arrive. lol. and cus i went alone while the others were all in their happy groups, i was like omg what should i do... should i read (i had my essential spanish book with me)? hahahah! but i think their church friends're very nice and friendly. and musically inclined.
plus i dressed damn lok kok-ly la. i should request they mosaic my stinky clothes and fbt and photoshop in some glam outfits..
oooooooooooooooooook. gosh. slacked the whole day yet again. somehow i feel like lazing my years away. lol kidding. hmmmmms. suddenly missing everyone.
natasha tay hui if ure reading. let's hang out soon ok! you havent treated me to my meal leh. haha. dont disappear from my life ok. same goes for you, you, you, you, and you.....!
haha K-boxing tmr! woohoo. gotta go rehearse some songs now. lol. oh wait, should preserve voice. hahaha. alright then..
hasta luego!

THANKS lun for being my buddy for almost... everything. new year shopping, feasting, sports.. life's awesome with u arnd!
hope i get pics from the party too. yep... better go study. nah i think i'd prefer sleeping. hmm. goodnites!
i think chinese songs are the most emo of all when it comes to the lyrics. why always lost love?! in any case, i like this song very much (: cheers... cant wait to k later!
Thursday, February 5, 2009
you make my blood BOIL.
i hate u. honestly i do. cant stand the mere sight of you. or ur voice. or whatever that relates to u. i want you GONE.
yet you're still here. why are u still here... piece of crap. big fat effing parasite. i hate u. have i said that already?
dont think anyone's ever irked me so much before.
once again.........noone here needs ur 'help' thank you. dont think that by offering to do things then everything is nice and rosy. everyone here hates u FYI. its so tough pretending not to feel anything..... so i decided to just drop the act and be hostile. dont see why i should be nice aniway. there u are having a time of ur life while practically everyone else is obviously not happy.
get the point u dense head....... or are u just pretending not to so u can take advantage like u always do.. wah lauuuuuuuuuuu i need an aunt agony!!! but then again, it's not something to publicise aniway. gahhh. not trying to sound like a victim or some noble person but i really feel like im sacrificing alot here. there's a limit to a person's tolerance and im about to max out all my patience and kindness.
i asked her why she does not say anything despite being equally unhappy and i was quite disappointed by the answer. so it's just to protect another person huh. wth..... what a lame answer.
in retrospect i should have really stayed in hall or something. i dont like it here.
please. go to hell. and i hope the fire there will burn ur unusually thick skin.
hai.. i feel sad. looks like all the pretence has taken its toll. :(
do u think i should just air my views? i really want to, but there's just so many things to consider. zzz. oh yeah met up with jiaying and shuling for dinner the other day, it was really awesome. had loadsa fun crapping around with them but also at the same time, we talked about the serious stuff, bout.....life? how people change when they as they grow older, for better or for worse. and having to weigh everything that they say. considering the repercussions of our words. like when u were young u didnt care if u lost ur image or hurt someone's feelings by throwing a tantrum, losing ur temper, picking up a fight. u scold someone, u make up with that person in no time. thats just how kids work.
oh well... verbal dirrhoea. just needed someplace to rant. shall go now. early lesson tmr. nites!
i hate u. honestly i do. cant stand the mere sight of you. or ur voice. or whatever that relates to u. i want you GONE.
yet you're still here. why are u still here... piece of crap. big fat effing parasite. i hate u. have i said that already?
dont think anyone's ever irked me so much before.
once again.........noone here needs ur 'help' thank you. dont think that by offering to do things then everything is nice and rosy. everyone here hates u FYI. its so tough pretending not to feel anything..... so i decided to just drop the act and be hostile. dont see why i should be nice aniway. there u are having a time of ur life while practically everyone else is obviously not happy.
get the point u dense head....... or are u just pretending not to so u can take advantage like u always do.. wah lauuuuuuuuuuu i need an aunt agony!!! but then again, it's not something to publicise aniway. gahhh. not trying to sound like a victim or some noble person but i really feel like im sacrificing alot here. there's a limit to a person's tolerance and im about to max out all my patience and kindness.
i asked her why she does not say anything despite being equally unhappy and i was quite disappointed by the answer. so it's just to protect another person huh. wth..... what a lame answer.
in retrospect i should have really stayed in hall or something. i dont like it here.
please. go to hell. and i hope the fire there will burn ur unusually thick skin.
hai.. i feel sad. looks like all the pretence has taken its toll. :(
do u think i should just air my views? i really want to, but there's just so many things to consider. zzz. oh yeah met up with jiaying and shuling for dinner the other day, it was really awesome. had loadsa fun crapping around with them but also at the same time, we talked about the serious stuff, bout.....life? how people change when they as they grow older, for better or for worse. and having to weigh everything that they say. considering the repercussions of our words. like when u were young u didnt care if u lost ur image or hurt someone's feelings by throwing a tantrum, losing ur temper, picking up a fight. u scold someone, u make up with that person in no time. thats just how kids work.
oh well... verbal dirrhoea. just needed someplace to rant. shall go now. early lesson tmr. nites!
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
tennis fever. :D
played tennis at least 3 times these past few days... plus i totally sat my butt down for 4+++hrs watchin nadal vs federer, abandoning the mountains of work i have. not good, ended up blanking out for acct tutorial today :( but gosh, its never boring watching a feds-nadal finals. if anything, its THRILLING stuff. lol.. extremely happy that nadal emerged victorious but at the same time, it was really heartwrenching to see federer break down like that. :( i suppose it made everyone wanna cry together with him man... could see how much the title meant to him..
nvm, what nadal said was true anw, feds shouldnt forget that he is still a legend.
ohwell.. so nth much going on these days. just slacking around. actually i shouldnt be blogging now seeing how i still have 3 tasks on my agenda left undone... rahhh. okay anw signed up for vertical marathon! haha. i forsee it'll be quite tough for me seeing how i struggled to even climb 8 stories. LOL. oops. but then again, my sis' friend managed to complete it within 10mins so i guess it shouldnt be that inconceivable.
anw the date coincided with the impresario semi finals.. donkz. sometimes i dont even know whats the purpose being in the subcom.... they dont inform us about anything until the last min. was i of any help thru the planning of the event? hmmmmmmmmmmm besides contributing the measly 20bucks from stanchart i really cant recall what/how ive contributed. ohwelllllll.
espanol rocks! HAHA. random. but the sentence structure and and almost everything is really different from english so im afraid my grammar will deteriorate after the completion of the course. lol.. hopefully we;ll learn more stuff soon cus right now i only know how to introduce myself and nth else... HAHA. oh and numbers... :)
lala~~~~~~~~~~ sigh sometimes i hate being at home. dont even know why i must be subjected to all that nonsense all the time. back to the question of "in what way does all these seem normal to you?". haiya......... some people are just so thick skinned. people give way then u just inch further and further and further like who the fuck do u think u are. zz. everything also use use use use like we're obliged to give. a little bit it's fine la but i think u've really crossed the line. and sometimes i also duno why u cant just use ur authority and have some say in this. as if complaining non stop will help. see la, now wanna turn back also cannot already. qing shen rong yi song shen nan. wtf.
alright i'd better gone back to my beloved project and books. :(
I FEEL LIKE KBOXING!! anyone wanna go wimme? hehe
hasta luego!!!!!! :D
played tennis at least 3 times these past few days... plus i totally sat my butt down for 4+++hrs watchin nadal vs federer, abandoning the mountains of work i have. not good, ended up blanking out for acct tutorial today :( but gosh, its never boring watching a feds-nadal finals. if anything, its THRILLING stuff. lol.. extremely happy that nadal emerged victorious but at the same time, it was really heartwrenching to see federer break down like that. :( i suppose it made everyone wanna cry together with him man... could see how much the title meant to him..
nvm, what nadal said was true anw, feds shouldnt forget that he is still a legend.
ohwell.. so nth much going on these days. just slacking around. actually i shouldnt be blogging now seeing how i still have 3 tasks on my agenda left undone... rahhh. okay anw signed up for vertical marathon! haha. i forsee it'll be quite tough for me seeing how i struggled to even climb 8 stories. LOL. oops. but then again, my sis' friend managed to complete it within 10mins so i guess it shouldnt be that inconceivable.
anw the date coincided with the impresario semi finals.. donkz. sometimes i dont even know whats the purpose being in the subcom.... they dont inform us about anything until the last min. was i of any help thru the planning of the event? hmmmmmmmmmmm besides contributing the measly 20bucks from stanchart i really cant recall what/how ive contributed. ohwelllllll.
espanol rocks! HAHA. random. but the sentence structure and and almost everything is really different from english so im afraid my grammar will deteriorate after the completion of the course. lol.. hopefully we;ll learn more stuff soon cus right now i only know how to introduce myself and nth else... HAHA. oh and numbers... :)
lala~~~~~~~~~~ sigh sometimes i hate being at home. dont even know why i must be subjected to all that nonsense all the time. back to the question of "in what way does all these seem normal to you?". haiya......... some people are just so thick skinned. people give way then u just inch further and further and further like who the fuck do u think u are. zz. everything also use use use use like we're obliged to give. a little bit it's fine la but i think u've really crossed the line. and sometimes i also duno why u cant just use ur authority and have some say in this. as if complaining non stop will help. see la, now wanna turn back also cannot already. qing shen rong yi song shen nan. wtf.
alright i'd better gone back to my beloved project and books. :(
I FEEL LIKE KBOXING!! anyone wanna go wimme? hehe
hasta luego!!!!!! :D
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