Lying in my bed, I hear the clock tick,
And think of you
Caught up in circles confusion
Is nothing new
Flashback, warm nights, Almost left behind.
Suitcases of memories,
Time after -
Sometimes you picture me,
I'm walking too far ahead.
You're calling to me, I can't hear
What you've said.
Then you say - go slow -I fall behind
The second hand unwinds
If youre lost, you can look, and you will find me
Time after time
If you fall, I will catch you, Ill be waiting
Time after time (x2)
After my picture fades and darkness has turned to gray
Watching through windows, youre wondering, If Im ok
Secrets stolen, from deep inside
The drum beats out of time
go take a listen, cyndi lauper and sarah mclachlan - time after time. loves the lyrics. somehow listenin to this song brings back tonnes of memories.
do you guys experience this sorta deja vu feeling when u chance upon songs that u once listened to all day during a particular period of time? i always do.. sometimes fall out boy, or even this song, reminds me of netball season.. cus thats when i always tune in to my mp3s. oh, and super oldies remind me of childhood times.. like sudden flashbacks. haiya. it's just those indescribeable feelings. even while lookin thru em 07 KL training trip pics the other day, (it was in the same disc as the perth one) i felt like ive gone back in time.. it was quite an enjoyable and meaningful trip. like ive said it feels different to go on a training trip as a team compared to being a senior just helping out. u're more bonded when ure actually 100% involved.
haha.. anw, thinks i've spent alot of time and effort on netball during jc.. and even now still - i do go back quite frequently these days. but the weird thing is that i never really did excel in it. sometimes u wonder if it's worth it.. majialin certainly didnt. her harsh words of "u come to school to play netball or to study?!" will forever sound in my head. HAHA. hilarious la she.. but back to the point.. seeing the current situation now kinda reminds me of the way i felt last time.. i duno.
i dun think ive let anyone in on this other than tash, but even then i wasnt very explicit. cus i honestly didnt know how i felt exactly at that point in time, and i din wanna mess with feelings. it was too much of a risk. but as time goes by u learn to accept things i guess.. but i doubt anyone who hasnt gone thru what i did has a clue as to how it feels like not being one of the 'main characters'. ya u can harp on the fact that yeahhh we are still a team and everyone is important or that there is NO MAIN 7 (which i think is utter nonsense btw), but to me that's so euphemistic. sometimes i dun even know how i should respond to such statements.. like gahh. easy for you to say.
they dun really know that for us, once the moment is over.. it really is, and there'll never be another season as a senior anymore - it's supposed to be all about u, its supposed to be your year.. and when people retell the story of how hard aj fought in the hwachong match last year.. i can only describe how i SAW the tremendous effort being put in but not gush excitedly about how i've PUT IN that tremendous effort, i was outside watching it all happen. it makes a world of difference doesnt it.
but come to think of it, whose fault is it but my own, for the lack of skills? tho sometimes i just cant figure out why the sacrifices and hardwork dont pay off. but in the end, not everything can be compensated by sheer hardwork. u need competency. and more importantly u need confidence, so that u can perform to ur best abilities.
oh no i think i sound quite bitter in saying all these but im not la.. no hard feelings yeah. dont worry fellow netballers i do not regret joining u all, maybe just for the lack of consistency on my part. fact is the team is one of the most important things that happened to me and i treasure it. sigh.. for now, i just hope that noone has to ever feel like they're not important. dun overthink, just give in ur all.. dont ponder over what could've been, but focus on what will be as a result of ur hardwork and ur courage to try.
and i regret not treasuring the jc times, as well as the people, more. HAHA. weirddd.. not emo but just saying.. sigh, 2 years flew by just like that. one second we're like some uncool newbies in school and the next, poof. we've graduated (with flying colours i might add LOL).
mmm. time will never go back again. once the feeling's misplaced, it's hard to recover em. like now, everyone's moving on with their lives... with the arrival of new people u discard the old ones that were once everything in ur life.. or maybe there is always something of higher priority for you to handle.. sigh.. sometimes there is really a need to just stop taking people for granted, lest you end up losing those who genuinely care for ya. it's just one of those things that take years to build but just seconds to destroy.
lalala. such a stupid post again.. zz. perhaps nighttime gets the emo juices working more than creative ones. ohwell.. but anw, before i go snooze (work tmr again zz), just wanna announce that i got accepted by ntu into a very un-kit course (accountancy).. haha. time to engage in some office war next time! climb that corporate ladder.. to the top..! lol..
and and...! oohh. i found my new fav student. *gushes* he's smart and cute! hearts.. p5.. am pretty sure he'll perform super well for all his tests! haha. and i still detest the sec 1 class. ughhhh. they make me feel like such a fool la.. zz.. ohwell. shall keep all the curses to myself. hehs..
rahhhh. ok if u have gotten this far and have not seen the pics in my previous posts, pls check em out!! its definitely worth a look esp since ive put in so much time and effort in uploading em.. all that hair pulling, computer kicking and cursing of blogger took so much outta me! haha.
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Friday, April 25, 2008
photo galore part 2
the bus that brought us around - valentino holidays!
we posed SUPER long for this but somehow the effect din come out quite right.
the legendary hip hop pose by yuzheng. we are SEH!
our air stewardess pose. HAHA. so demure!
buffet at a supposed 5-star hotel. and we were wearing those. HAHA. tim, our guide at the left.

super good hair day. awesome view.
friendly #3

i think that this restaurant might have been set up by ajc. "when we bleed, our blood is yellow and blue!!" LOL
super good hair day. awesome view.
ok finally done uploading em pics. honestly VERY frustrating.. esp when adding captions and all. it keeps getting misaligned.. i wanna punch blogger for this. GAH. anw there are vids too, but i dun think i'll be uploading em.. haha. cus it mostly consisted of tash getting tortured - ms tan forced her to chump down vege and orange!! ohmy.. very fear factor like. ya... would wanna blog more but im lazy. rahhh. words another day then. work later. RAHHHHH
Thursday, April 24, 2008
pics up! finally.
hey there avid readers! mmm. finally its time to take a break from ploughing thru all that wordy crap that's on my blog and feast your eyes on scenic perth! haha. yeah.. not all the pics are uploaded yet cus its taking too damn long. shall separate into two posts i reckon.
ok here goes. oh btw it aint arranged chronologically cus im too lazy to shift em. but generally the latest pics are at the top. so yeah.. wouldnt go into the nitty gritty details, hopefully the captions will do the job. enjoy~
the bubblegum. or is it jawbreaker? careful, myth busters proved that it might explode in ur face.
me and sohmin on bus.

at hay street.busrides in perth is FREE. oh man, jealous.
great shooting by the little ones.

wildlife park! i love my hair lol.
ocean as background
animal lovers.

this kangaroo has modelling potential.

the disgusting wombat that shitted in its sleep. hows that even possible?!
one of the rare moments where i wasnt sprawled on the ground all tired out from the abs training


first shopping day at fremantle markets

some ocean view for ya.


look at the huge serving. apparently not to the locals.

where we dined. sweet lips indeed.

top of the world!
the front row mei nus. nuff said. LOL
another awesome view.
ok here goes. oh btw it aint arranged chronologically cus im too lazy to shift em. but generally the latest pics are at the top. so yeah.. wouldnt go into the nitty gritty details, hopefully the captions will do the job. enjoy~
the bubblegum. or is it jawbreaker? careful, myth busters proved that it might explode in ur face.
at hay street.busrides in perth is FREE. oh man, jealous.
wildlife park! i love my hair lol.
ocean as background
this kangaroo has modelling potential.
the disgusting wombat that shitted in its sleep. hows that even possible?!
first shopping day at fremantle markets
some ocean view for ya.
look at the huge serving. apparently not to the locals.
where we dined. sweet lips indeed.
kaihui at the corner indulging in my nintendo DS and BREAKING ALL MY RECORDS. gahh. screams at her. lol
top of the world!
the front row mei nus. nuff said. LOL
another awesome view.
hmmm. ok i promise i'll continue this post tomorrow or during the weekends. cus now im kinda pissed off at blogger LOL. i started this post at around 10pm and it's 1.30am now. my patience is being tested and is running really thin.. haha
ok, more to come yeah.. plus i need to do a proper post also. zz. nights for now.
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Swing, swing, swing from the tangles of
My heart is crushed by a former love
Can you help me find a way
To carry on again.
blogger wont let me upload my pictures. i am so upset. lol. finally got my perth pics but....! my stupid computer's cd rom doesnt work, and my dad's cant read dvd. so the only way to get it transferred is from my sis's laptop. so it is useful afterall.. haha. i feel like an ass for saying this.
man... im sooooooo tired. am kinda short tempered today i guess.. feels so bad cus i think i showed signs of impatience while teaching the kids today. but to tell the truth it was a little annoying because it seemed as tho they werent thinking. and they were asking practically every problem sum which were quite repetitive in my opinion. gahhh. mid years are coming so WAKE UP KIDSSS. sigh.. i was probably like that last time too.. so i shouldnt be so mean. anw its my duty to teach!! so i gotta be more patient...!
oh no i have another stack of compo to mark. helllp. its fun to read but not so much when u gotta mark and edit grammar! o gosh.. dreads..
sigh i miss exercising. dentist told me that the reason why we feel more tired from work as compared to schooling is cus we lack exercise. interesting concept.. and its true i guess. what with hormones and all.. shant get all sciencey. haha. i feel like playin squash... anyone up for it?
this entry is boring but i really cant think of anything to say alr.. guess ima go snooze now.. extremely drained. nightss~
i wish.. i could let go as well as u can.
My heart is crushed by a former love
Can you help me find a way
To carry on again.
blogger wont let me upload my pictures. i am so upset. lol. finally got my perth pics but....! my stupid computer's cd rom doesnt work, and my dad's cant read dvd. so the only way to get it transferred is from my sis's laptop. so it is useful afterall.. haha. i feel like an ass for saying this.
man... im sooooooo tired. am kinda short tempered today i guess.. feels so bad cus i think i showed signs of impatience while teaching the kids today. but to tell the truth it was a little annoying because it seemed as tho they werent thinking. and they were asking practically every problem sum which were quite repetitive in my opinion. gahhh. mid years are coming so WAKE UP KIDSSS. sigh.. i was probably like that last time too.. so i shouldnt be so mean. anw its my duty to teach!! so i gotta be more patient...!
oh no i have another stack of compo to mark. helllp. its fun to read but not so much when u gotta mark and edit grammar! o gosh.. dreads..
sigh i miss exercising. dentist told me that the reason why we feel more tired from work as compared to schooling is cus we lack exercise. interesting concept.. and its true i guess. what with hormones and all.. shant get all sciencey. haha. i feel like playin squash... anyone up for it?
this entry is boring but i really cant think of anything to say alr.. guess ima go snooze now.. extremely drained. nightss~
i wish.. i could let go as well as u can.
Saturday, April 19, 2008
usually i'd start off with a song, but cant really think of any today. ah well, i have my limitations sometimes. and i dont download. HAHA. which explains why i am so backdated luh. i depend on youtube for songs. tho it's a lil troublesome... well, i can deal with that.
anw, today didnt turn out as bad as i had anticipated. tho it was still so mundane. hurrs. started my day off with mythbusters.. daily dose man~ it's a really good show if ure into science and all. HAHA. i think that's my ideal job luh, seems really fun to test out the scientific myths and blow things up. oh well, but i guess i'd have to be really good at physics or sth (which im totally not). haha. learnt so many things from the show.
ahems. time to showoff. do you know that plants grow extremely well in HEAVY METAL music... even better than those exposed to classical ones?! shocking aye? haha. and.. speaking to growing plants will make them grow better, even if you are cursing them! LOL today's episode was really hilarious..
hahas. shucks.. am struggling to recall the previous episodes but cant really rmb. head's still very full and drained from work just now.. haha. full and drained. abit of an oxymoron innit? hehs.
i almost wanted to blog about survivor but it seems pretty silly to be blogging about tv shows.. so maybe i shall not. haha. but it really cracks me up cus seeing people getting blindsided is entertainment for me! haha. it's interesting seeing smug people feeling so full of themselves and then get stabbed the next moment. in your face!! hahah. donkz.
oh no i think im going into this crazy zone. sigh.. too bored alr. might be going to sleep soon, work in the morning tmr.. gahhh. note to self, never blog when listening to music.. it produces language errors. GROSS errors. lol. mmm.. ok digression. am off le. nights~
the worst feeling in the world, is to be unappreciated. time and time again.
anw, today didnt turn out as bad as i had anticipated. tho it was still so mundane. hurrs. started my day off with mythbusters.. daily dose man~ it's a really good show if ure into science and all. HAHA. i think that's my ideal job luh, seems really fun to test out the scientific myths and blow things up. oh well, but i guess i'd have to be really good at physics or sth (which im totally not). haha. learnt so many things from the show.
ahems. time to showoff. do you know that plants grow extremely well in HEAVY METAL music... even better than those exposed to classical ones?! shocking aye? haha. and.. speaking to growing plants will make them grow better, even if you are cursing them! LOL today's episode was really hilarious..
hahas. shucks.. am struggling to recall the previous episodes but cant really rmb. head's still very full and drained from work just now.. haha. full and drained. abit of an oxymoron innit? hehs.
i almost wanted to blog about survivor but it seems pretty silly to be blogging about tv shows.. so maybe i shall not. haha. but it really cracks me up cus seeing people getting blindsided is entertainment for me! haha. it's interesting seeing smug people feeling so full of themselves and then get stabbed the next moment. in your face!! hahah. donkz.
oh no i think im going into this crazy zone. sigh.. too bored alr. might be going to sleep soon, work in the morning tmr.. gahhh. note to self, never blog when listening to music.. it produces language errors. GROSS errors. lol. mmm.. ok digression. am off le. nights~
the worst feeling in the world, is to be unappreciated. time and time again.
Thursday, April 17, 2008
I've been twisting and turning, In a space that's too small.
I've been drawing the line and watching it fall,
You've been closing me in, closing the space in my heart.
Watching us fading and watching it all fall apart.
Well I can't explain why it's not enough, Cause I gave it all to you.
And if you leave me now, oh just leave me now.
It's the better thing to do
It's time to surrender, It's been too long pretending.
Theres no use in trying,When the pieces don't fit anymore
Pieces don't fit here anymore.
i love this song. but listening to it on ipod and blogging at the same time aint a good idea, i get distracted. plus.. i dun like the feeling of earphones plugged into em ears, it's gross. haha. then why do i still do it..? well.. we need music.
sigh, ever tried going all out and putting everything on the line, only to find out that it's all in vain? effort's not necessarily inadequate, but somehow... things just dont go your way, as much as u wish for it to do so. so how do we proceed. back away, or force ur way through. either way, the heart gets hurt so.. anything will do.
am lacking in updates simply cus, there's nth much to say. i'd very much like to entertain readers with funny happenings but there just isnt any at the moment. only tonnes and tonnes of thoughts floating around my clouded mind. everything's so nebulous now. that's what excessive stays at home do to people - it drives them crazy.
oh ya, read on the newspaper that RL Stine is coming up with new "goosebumps" books this year.. LOL. used to be a big fan in primary school. think i read everyone of em. it's kinda silly actually, i tried reading them again after the As, and i seriously dont get why i used to like it so much. hahas. the storyline is crap. and the jokes are pretty lame.. i guess it only appeals to kids then. but still, i think i'll go have a read when it hits the stores soon.. hahas.
and anw, i went for my first neighbourhood run in 2008! HAHA. oh my gosh.. it was pretty tiring considering how long i have not been doing serious exercising. knees were hurting, calves were cramping. muscles are aching a little now, but they'll be fine i guess. din exactly complete my one big round but i think i managed at least 3 or 4km? hopefully.. haha. saw my sec 3 ah beng tutee at the busstop, so coincidental luh.. he's hilarious, he took so long to recognise me.. tut tut. ohwells. hopefully the urge to run wont fade and kit will be healthy once more.. hehs.
oh yes, i think this season's american idol may actually have a future..! haha. they sound pretty good.. caught tonight's result show, they sang mariah carey's songs! ahh man, nice. she's awesome luh, flaunting her gigantic lungs and powerful vocal cords.. haha. and im so glad that the person who chose "without you" can actually sing it PROPERLY. hahaha. hilarious.. am thinking of that "ken lee" version. winks.
rahhh, it's like a hundred degrees in here. thinks i shall go sleep soon, work tmr again.. zzz.. and the cycle continues. sorry it's such a dull entry, will come up with something more when my brain's not so busted. nights~
I've been drawing the line and watching it fall,
You've been closing me in, closing the space in my heart.
Watching us fading and watching it all fall apart.
Well I can't explain why it's not enough, Cause I gave it all to you.
And if you leave me now, oh just leave me now.
It's the better thing to do
It's time to surrender, It's been too long pretending.
Theres no use in trying,When the pieces don't fit anymore
Pieces don't fit here anymore.
i love this song. but listening to it on ipod and blogging at the same time aint a good idea, i get distracted. plus.. i dun like the feeling of earphones plugged into em ears, it's gross. haha. then why do i still do it..? well.. we need music.
sigh, ever tried going all out and putting everything on the line, only to find out that it's all in vain? effort's not necessarily inadequate, but somehow... things just dont go your way, as much as u wish for it to do so. so how do we proceed. back away, or force ur way through. either way, the heart gets hurt so.. anything will do.
am lacking in updates simply cus, there's nth much to say. i'd very much like to entertain readers with funny happenings but there just isnt any at the moment. only tonnes and tonnes of thoughts floating around my clouded mind. everything's so nebulous now. that's what excessive stays at home do to people - it drives them crazy.
oh ya, read on the newspaper that RL Stine is coming up with new "goosebumps" books this year.. LOL. used to be a big fan in primary school. think i read everyone of em. it's kinda silly actually, i tried reading them again after the As, and i seriously dont get why i used to like it so much. hahas. the storyline is crap. and the jokes are pretty lame.. i guess it only appeals to kids then. but still, i think i'll go have a read when it hits the stores soon.. hahas.
and anw, i went for my first neighbourhood run in 2008! HAHA. oh my gosh.. it was pretty tiring considering how long i have not been doing serious exercising. knees were hurting, calves were cramping. muscles are aching a little now, but they'll be fine i guess. din exactly complete my one big round but i think i managed at least 3 or 4km? hopefully.. haha. saw my sec 3 ah beng tutee at the busstop, so coincidental luh.. he's hilarious, he took so long to recognise me.. tut tut. ohwells. hopefully the urge to run wont fade and kit will be healthy once more.. hehs.
oh yes, i think this season's american idol may actually have a future..! haha. they sound pretty good.. caught tonight's result show, they sang mariah carey's songs! ahh man, nice. she's awesome luh, flaunting her gigantic lungs and powerful vocal cords.. haha. and im so glad that the person who chose "without you" can actually sing it PROPERLY. hahaha. hilarious.. am thinking of that "ken lee" version. winks.
rahhh, it's like a hundred degrees in here. thinks i shall go sleep soon, work tmr again.. zzz.. and the cycle continues. sorry it's such a dull entry, will come up with something more when my brain's not so busted. nights~
Saturday, April 12, 2008
There's so many words that we can say
Spoken upon long-distance melody
the fray, vienna. just how on earth do they make all sorts of songs sound so damn bittersweet, i cannot fathom. could it be the piano, the voice, the lyrics or just.. hmm. i realise i feed my soul with the same type of songs all day everyday. maybe it's time for a change, but i can't see myself indulging in unnaturally pop-pish songs. ah well, to each his own.
anw, din really wanna blog initially (to avoid seeming like a no lifer again) but i was told that i have a flair for writing! oh my gosh.. such flattery, i almost feel obliged to write now. lol. but what should i..? mmm, anything that comes to mind.
been using the com (bloghopping, chatting, emailing etc) quite a fair bit lately, which means ive been spending much of my time facing something that as dead as a monitor (tsk i hate not being able to say LCD monitor but heck). how ironic is it, that we face something so lifeless, in order to get in touch with the lives of others. it's interesting to witness the true paradoxies of life, but yeah, no need to get so serious, it's just food for thought. my main point was actually just to complain that my eyes are hurting pretty badly from all that screen staring, and that i enjoy reading some of the blogs i chance upon. i think i have a soft spot for people with good language, even though i might have zero idea on what they are talking about. just nod along, and everything will be fine.. haha.
yikes my memory is failing me, i seem to always forget what i wanna say even though i thought of it only just a second ago. hmm anw, cant wait to get the pics from perth! heard that there are tonnes of them, thanks to ms tay's random shots. haha. yeap, this blog will come ALIVEEEE soon, hopefully. ahaha. but how sad, my cd rom aint working. soooo. gotta find a way to transfer em pics somehow.
what a stupid computer. it's an empty shell, seriously. oh am reminded that i gotta get a laptop soon for uni.. hmm. honestly i dun really think it is necessary, cus i see my sis's laptop stuck firmly on her table like ALL THE TIME. yeah she does use it for projects and all, but im thinking, wont a normal computer suffice since she sorta does them at home. ok maybe not in my case, cus mine's really on the verge of death or some sort. *kicks it repeatedly* sigh i see no improvement.
so ya, i made a trip to lot 1 today after work and i realised it's changed alot since i last went, which was only about... 2 months ago? ok fine it's been awhile, but i think it looks... weird. i duno, a feeble attempt in expanding the mall and... the themes dont match now. some newly renovated shops looks quite classy but when i look around, everything else is well, old. plus, it is still sorta under construction so everything looks messy and outta place. hopefully it'll become nicer once everything's done.
oh ya, was gonna say that i sat on my favourite bus today. lol, ive never encountered a driver who could drive so fast before! normally i feel so annoyed when im on the bus, cus they either go SO SLOWLY (come on i think i can run faster) or the drivers like to step on brakes like they are inflating some basketball or sth, causing the bus to jerk unnecessarily. but today.. wow i must say, great driving. it's ZZZZOOOOOM and to the interchange. plus the driver looks friendly, he smiled at every boarding passenger luh. who does that now? i've seen angsty drivers yell at passengers before cus they were too slow in getting off the bus. like DONKZ.
and and.. i saw this super irksome msg vandalised on the walls as i walked past the condo today (warren i think). made me feel so -_-. it went sth like "hi this is kranji sec female toilet bowl(??), pls call ______(some random hp no)". OMG. whoever that was, i seriously hope he/she isnt really from kranji, or i'll just die of humiliation from being in the same school as him/her. as if vandalism, or for that matter declaring a school's name, wasnt bad enough, the content makes no sense!!! pls... get some level of sophistication. gahhh.
but kids these days, getting way outa hand. blatant disregard for school rules and the lack of respect can be witnessed all the time. thank goodness my pschool kids are still very cute and well behaved.. ok they can be REALLY rowdy and screamy but at the end of the day, their attitude is still good. i hope they will not adopt stupid habits when they go on to secondary school tho. sigh..
oh well, unbelievably long post, but yeah.. shall end this off with my conversation with my cute p3 kid wenrong! HAHA. he's so mischievious! hilarious stuff luh.
wenrong: ayeee teacher, how old are you?
me: uhhh, guess lo... BUT NOT TOO OLD PLS (another kid said i was thirty pls oh gosh. i shall convince myself that she said that without thinking. its the only explanation LOL)
wenrong: seventeen?
me: *relieved*.. no lar.. nineteen.
wenrong: u got bf?? i can introduce my cousin to u...
me: *sounds of crickets*
was about to reply, then...
boss: kitying go room 1 help the other kids so they can go off..
haha. adores the p3s.. actually all the levels are cute in their own ways, i cant quite pick my favourite class... perhaps time will tell. but i hope i wont be so blatant in exhibiting favouritism tho. HAHA.
ok really gotta go liao. eyes stinging and there's work tmr.. dental.. sigh. wish me luck!
Spoken upon long-distance melody
the fray, vienna. just how on earth do they make all sorts of songs sound so damn bittersweet, i cannot fathom. could it be the piano, the voice, the lyrics or just.. hmm. i realise i feed my soul with the same type of songs all day everyday. maybe it's time for a change, but i can't see myself indulging in unnaturally pop-pish songs. ah well, to each his own.
anw, din really wanna blog initially (to avoid seeming like a no lifer again) but i was told that i have a flair for writing! oh my gosh.. such flattery, i almost feel obliged to write now. lol. but what should i..? mmm, anything that comes to mind.
been using the com (bloghopping, chatting, emailing etc) quite a fair bit lately, which means ive been spending much of my time facing something that as dead as a monitor (tsk i hate not being able to say LCD monitor but heck). how ironic is it, that we face something so lifeless, in order to get in touch with the lives of others. it's interesting to witness the true paradoxies of life, but yeah, no need to get so serious, it's just food for thought. my main point was actually just to complain that my eyes are hurting pretty badly from all that screen staring, and that i enjoy reading some of the blogs i chance upon. i think i have a soft spot for people with good language, even though i might have zero idea on what they are talking about. just nod along, and everything will be fine.. haha.
yikes my memory is failing me, i seem to always forget what i wanna say even though i thought of it only just a second ago. hmm anw, cant wait to get the pics from perth! heard that there are tonnes of them, thanks to ms tay's random shots. haha. yeap, this blog will come ALIVEEEE soon, hopefully. ahaha. but how sad, my cd rom aint working. soooo. gotta find a way to transfer em pics somehow.
what a stupid computer. it's an empty shell, seriously. oh am reminded that i gotta get a laptop soon for uni.. hmm. honestly i dun really think it is necessary, cus i see my sis's laptop stuck firmly on her table like ALL THE TIME. yeah she does use it for projects and all, but im thinking, wont a normal computer suffice since she sorta does them at home. ok maybe not in my case, cus mine's really on the verge of death or some sort. *kicks it repeatedly* sigh i see no improvement.
so ya, i made a trip to lot 1 today after work and i realised it's changed alot since i last went, which was only about... 2 months ago? ok fine it's been awhile, but i think it looks... weird. i duno, a feeble attempt in expanding the mall and... the themes dont match now. some newly renovated shops looks quite classy but when i look around, everything else is well, old. plus, it is still sorta under construction so everything looks messy and outta place. hopefully it'll become nicer once everything's done.
oh ya, was gonna say that i sat on my favourite bus today. lol, ive never encountered a driver who could drive so fast before! normally i feel so annoyed when im on the bus, cus they either go SO SLOWLY (come on i think i can run faster) or the drivers like to step on brakes like they are inflating some basketball or sth, causing the bus to jerk unnecessarily. but today.. wow i must say, great driving. it's ZZZZOOOOOM and to the interchange. plus the driver looks friendly, he smiled at every boarding passenger luh. who does that now? i've seen angsty drivers yell at passengers before cus they were too slow in getting off the bus. like DONKZ.
and and.. i saw this super irksome msg vandalised on the walls as i walked past the condo today (warren i think). made me feel so -_-. it went sth like "hi this is kranji sec female toilet bowl(??), pls call ______(some random hp no)". OMG. whoever that was, i seriously hope he/she isnt really from kranji, or i'll just die of humiliation from being in the same school as him/her. as if vandalism, or for that matter declaring a school's name, wasnt bad enough, the content makes no sense!!! pls... get some level of sophistication. gahhh.
but kids these days, getting way outa hand. blatant disregard for school rules and the lack of respect can be witnessed all the time. thank goodness my pschool kids are still very cute and well behaved.. ok they can be REALLY rowdy and screamy but at the end of the day, their attitude is still good. i hope they will not adopt stupid habits when they go on to secondary school tho. sigh..
oh well, unbelievably long post, but yeah.. shall end this off with my conversation with my cute p3 kid wenrong! HAHA. he's so mischievious! hilarious stuff luh.
wenrong: ayeee teacher, how old are you?
me: uhhh, guess lo... BUT NOT TOO OLD PLS (another kid said i was thirty pls oh gosh. i shall convince myself that she said that without thinking. its the only explanation LOL)
wenrong: seventeen?
me: *relieved*.. no lar.. nineteen.
wenrong: u got bf?? i can introduce my cousin to u...
me: *sounds of crickets*
was about to reply, then...
boss: kitying go room 1 help the other kids so they can go off..
haha. adores the p3s.. actually all the levels are cute in their own ways, i cant quite pick my favourite class... perhaps time will tell. but i hope i wont be so blatant in exhibiting favouritism tho. HAHA.
ok really gotta go liao. eyes stinging and there's work tmr.. dental.. sigh. wish me luck!
Thursday, April 10, 2008
how now brown cow.
had a wonderful day ytd celebrating lun's bday.. and staying over at her place cus we ended pretty late. haha. was really hilarious man. kudos to ting esp for being the mastermind of the plan! :D read khs's blog for more details..
so for what's worth, HAPPY 19th, LUN!!!!! hope u had fun.. beeeeg griiiinn. thanks for providing me with shelter too, or i'll end up homeless. haha sorry that i fell aslp watchin huang jin lu. BUT. you are very unglam lo.. haha. like... kenna trip by my leg. oh my, scared me to death la. i was asleep!! :X plus pluss.. ok nvm i shall not reveal too many. hehs.
so anw today was spent rather weirdly. lunched with zk. had a slight miscommunication in meeting place tho. he thought we were meeting at yew tee while i thought we were meeting at amk hub cus i went straight from lun's place. so i ended up sitting alone at amk hub marking my papers while waiting for him. lol. quite loser, but hey, i got work done. haha.. donkz. but lesson learnt. must always confirm location!!
ok i think i wanna bathe now tmr's work AGAIN. i hate this life, for the gazillionth time. but before i go... sth very toot.
joyceee says:
i gotta go sleep le. everyday have to wait damn long for hair to dry
joyceee says:
but cannot use hair dryer cuz hair will dry
kit. says:
kit. says:
kit. says:
joyceee says:
wah lau eh. sound so bimbotic
joyceee says:
kit. says:
no la
joyceee says:
pun unintended
what hurts the most, was being so close. and havin so much to say, and watching u walk away.
oh mannnn. im dying inside. i tried so hard.. i really did. but.. its not easy. i keep thinking bout the good times, and how much i want them all back. so badly.. i need this to end, pronto. i dun ever wanna have to feel this way again. ugh. why are u so damn heartless. ZZZZZZ
anyone who sees this, just keep it to urself yeah. cus right now, i just cant deal with anymore of this.
so for what's worth, HAPPY 19th, LUN!!!!! hope u had fun.. beeeeg griiiinn. thanks for providing me with shelter too, or i'll end up homeless. haha sorry that i fell aslp watchin huang jin lu. BUT. you are very unglam lo.. haha. like... kenna trip by my leg. oh my, scared me to death la. i was asleep!! :X plus pluss.. ok nvm i shall not reveal too many. hehs.
so anw today was spent rather weirdly. lunched with zk. had a slight miscommunication in meeting place tho. he thought we were meeting at yew tee while i thought we were meeting at amk hub cus i went straight from lun's place. so i ended up sitting alone at amk hub marking my papers while waiting for him. lol. quite loser, but hey, i got work done. haha.. donkz. but lesson learnt. must always confirm location!!
ok i think i wanna bathe now tmr's work AGAIN. i hate this life, for the gazillionth time. but before i go... sth very toot.
joyceee says:
i gotta go sleep le. everyday have to wait damn long for hair to dry
joyceee says:
but cannot use hair dryer cuz hair will dry
kit. says:
kit. says:
kit. says:
joyceee says:
wah lau eh. sound so bimbotic
joyceee says:
kit. says:
no la
joyceee says:
pun unintended
what hurts the most, was being so close. and havin so much to say, and watching u walk away.
oh mannnn. im dying inside. i tried so hard.. i really did. but.. its not easy. i keep thinking bout the good times, and how much i want them all back. so badly.. i need this to end, pronto. i dun ever wanna have to feel this way again. ugh. why are u so damn heartless. ZZZZZZ
anyone who sees this, just keep it to urself yeah. cus right now, i just cant deal with anymore of this.
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
If you, if you could return,
don't let it burn, don't let it fade.
I'm sure I'm not being rude, but it's just your attitude.
It's tearing me apart, It's ruining everything.
what can i say, i love em old school songs. i could listen to em all day.
rahh rahh, realised all my blog posts are wordy and boring and without pics. HOW CAN ANYONE STAND READING IT!!! but well, i think i've very patient friends, some of whom have alr won about 4 perserverence awards. HEE. mmm, keep it up!! lol.
but actually, why i have no pics, i seriously have no idea. i mean i have a perfectly functioning camera on my phone but i dun use it. at all. donkz. honestly, i think i waste money on phones. just last year i changed my phone twice, who does that?! but i guess we all go for designs and ultimately, phones are for smsing and calling, extra stuff like the mp3 functions wastes the batt! LOL.
ok anw i think im losing my passion for everything. life is such a drag now. i duno what's there to look forward to. mon and thurs cus im off from work? or just the nights cus i can simply sleep and not feel anything. gosh this is so pathetic.
i wish there was sth funny for me to say, but there isnt. all i can think about is the song and the lyrics. super sleepy, aint thinking. quick entry and im off. ahaha.
but I'm in so deep,
you know I'm such a fool for you.
you got me wrapped around your finger
do you have to let it linger
do you have to, do you have to, do you have to let it linger..
don't let it burn, don't let it fade.
I'm sure I'm not being rude, but it's just your attitude.
It's tearing me apart, It's ruining everything.
what can i say, i love em old school songs. i could listen to em all day.
rahh rahh, realised all my blog posts are wordy and boring and without pics. HOW CAN ANYONE STAND READING IT!!! but well, i think i've very patient friends, some of whom have alr won about 4 perserverence awards. HEE. mmm, keep it up!! lol.
but actually, why i have no pics, i seriously have no idea. i mean i have a perfectly functioning camera on my phone but i dun use it. at all. donkz. honestly, i think i waste money on phones. just last year i changed my phone twice, who does that?! but i guess we all go for designs and ultimately, phones are for smsing and calling, extra stuff like the mp3 functions wastes the batt! LOL.
ok anw i think im losing my passion for everything. life is such a drag now. i duno what's there to look forward to. mon and thurs cus im off from work? or just the nights cus i can simply sleep and not feel anything. gosh this is so pathetic.
i wish there was sth funny for me to say, but there isnt. all i can think about is the song and the lyrics. super sleepy, aint thinking. quick entry and im off. ahaha.
but I'm in so deep,
you know I'm such a fool for you.
you got me wrapped around your finger
do you have to let it linger
do you have to, do you have to, do you have to let it linger..
Monday, April 7, 2008
awesome meet up day
Well I can't forget this evening,
Or your face as you were leaving.
But I guess that's just the way the story goes
hey all. oh wow. the bulgarian music idol thing totally ruined the seriousness of this song (mariah carey's without you). it cracks me up when i think bout the way the woman sings "ken lee". wah lau. haha. its a nice song.
anw.. today was great! haha. am super happy to have met up with so many people today. first up lunch with lun! and she gave me all the stupid coins she had la..(eg 5cents, 20 cents) TSK. no coins policy pls! but shes forgiven cus i havent seen her in EONS can. the same goes to all the other netballers.. but its ok, planning a meetup soon. hoho. well, anw back to topic, tho i had to lug this heavy bag of foodstuffs for my math tutor while we were walking around, it was still pretty enjoyable walking around. haha. much much fun, tho it wasnt for very long.
then i went to visit my math tutor! woahh.. its been awhile. so nice to see him and his wife. hehes. gave him his fav ginseng sweet, and he said he was gonna eat one first! cus there was a class in the evening and apparently eating the sweet makes him think better. writing on whiteboard too. HAHA. funny stuff. ohwell... and i found out how some of the others did.. not too bad, esp math. lol. then mrs pang was like "so u know this hwachong boy..." haha.. i wanted to laugh. my mind was saying "U THINK?" lol.. anw he got straight As.. except for gp, which was B. good results, not surprising la.. lol. (:
stayed there longer than i expected, was running late for training. end up i couldnt do my warmups properly. wanted to shed more fats off on the the track but jiaolian started courtplay immediately. donkz.. but haiya the track was used anw by the track and field heats so. hmm, trng was pretty tiring for me.. and especially painful for my toenails. stupid shoe. i think it doesnt like my legs or sth. when i loosen it my toenails suffer cus the feet keep sliding to the front and the impact is super big. but when i tighten it my ankles suffer cus it's well.. too tight. i want to faint. smashes shoe. but in any case, sorta had fun running about, tho not much. HAHA. good to see the juniors and MEL and SR also! hahah. it's been sooooo long since i saw mel, she used to be my lunching buddy.
then was supposed to join tracy they all for their routine picnic session after trng but i bumped into zhenkai at 7-11, which i din expect! haha.. so coincidental. ohwell.. trained home with him after buying my drink (used every single coin LOL =D ). so apparently he was supposed to go off with his choir friends and i think one of em helped carry his shoebag, so he went to take it back. but so scary la.. theres like a whole bunch of them. aiyo. so many pairs of eyes staring. mm.. plus i felt so stinky in the train la. faints. but was good catching up a lil after so long. tho i was quite unglam.
yawnss.. pretty tired.. but a good day overall. sigh it's back to work starting tmr. OMG i dunwan. pre-work anxiety. cant wait for school to start, for like the millionth time. but i guess it wont be the same la.. in a way its exciting, but another, daunting. ohwell.. i guess time will never turn back. so i should stop living in the past and hope that things will stay the same, cus there's no way it will. i gotta face it.
in many aspects, 2007 had been an awesome year, tho i had to battle with the As (which was very challenging and frustrating, but somehow, a bit fun). well, although the new year 2008 didnt start off fantastically, with me facing all the ups and downs (mostly downs actually) already in just the first quarter, i hope for a better time ahead. sigh, seems like a belated new year post.. but i cant help it. LOL. mmm.. time to move on.. move move move that heavy bum. HAHA. it is still tough but i will try.
Or your face as you were leaving.
But I guess that's just the way the story goes
hey all. oh wow. the bulgarian music idol thing totally ruined the seriousness of this song (mariah carey's without you). it cracks me up when i think bout the way the woman sings "ken lee". wah lau. haha. its a nice song.
anw.. today was great! haha. am super happy to have met up with so many people today. first up lunch with lun! and she gave me all the stupid coins she had la..(eg 5cents, 20 cents) TSK. no coins policy pls! but shes forgiven cus i havent seen her in EONS can. the same goes to all the other netballers.. but its ok, planning a meetup soon. hoho. well, anw back to topic, tho i had to lug this heavy bag of foodstuffs for my math tutor while we were walking around, it was still pretty enjoyable walking around. haha. much much fun, tho it wasnt for very long.
then i went to visit my math tutor! woahh.. its been awhile. so nice to see him and his wife. hehes. gave him his fav ginseng sweet, and he said he was gonna eat one first! cus there was a class in the evening and apparently eating the sweet makes him think better. writing on whiteboard too. HAHA. funny stuff. ohwell... and i found out how some of the others did.. not too bad, esp math. lol. then mrs pang was like "so u know this hwachong boy..." haha.. i wanted to laugh. my mind was saying "U THINK?" lol.. anw he got straight As.. except for gp, which was B. good results, not surprising la.. lol. (:
stayed there longer than i expected, was running late for training. end up i couldnt do my warmups properly. wanted to shed more fats off on the the track but jiaolian started courtplay immediately. donkz.. but haiya the track was used anw by the track and field heats so. hmm, trng was pretty tiring for me.. and especially painful for my toenails. stupid shoe. i think it doesnt like my legs or sth. when i loosen it my toenails suffer cus the feet keep sliding to the front and the impact is super big. but when i tighten it my ankles suffer cus it's well.. too tight. i want to faint. smashes shoe. but in any case, sorta had fun running about, tho not much. HAHA. good to see the juniors and MEL and SR also! hahah. it's been sooooo long since i saw mel, she used to be my lunching buddy.
then was supposed to join tracy they all for their routine picnic session after trng but i bumped into zhenkai at 7-11, which i din expect! haha.. so coincidental. ohwell.. trained home with him after buying my drink (used every single coin LOL =D ). so apparently he was supposed to go off with his choir friends and i think one of em helped carry his shoebag, so he went to take it back. but so scary la.. theres like a whole bunch of them. aiyo. so many pairs of eyes staring. mm.. plus i felt so stinky in the train la. faints. but was good catching up a lil after so long. tho i was quite unglam.
yawnss.. pretty tired.. but a good day overall. sigh it's back to work starting tmr. OMG i dunwan. pre-work anxiety. cant wait for school to start, for like the millionth time. but i guess it wont be the same la.. in a way its exciting, but another, daunting. ohwell.. i guess time will never turn back. so i should stop living in the past and hope that things will stay the same, cus there's no way it will. i gotta face it.
in many aspects, 2007 had been an awesome year, tho i had to battle with the As (which was very challenging and frustrating, but somehow, a bit fun). well, although the new year 2008 didnt start off fantastically, with me facing all the ups and downs (mostly downs actually) already in just the first quarter, i hope for a better time ahead. sigh, seems like a belated new year post.. but i cant help it. LOL. mmm.. time to move on.. move move move that heavy bum. HAHA. it is still tough but i will try.
Sunday, April 6, 2008
hot hot heat.
and in the darkest nights, if my memory serves me right.
i'll never turn back time.
forgetting you, but not the times.
seriously i wanna LOL everytime i sign in. the silly password. TSK. joyce!! haha.
buenos dias.. mm. ok fine, not exactly morning but i forgot how to say good evening in spanish. yikes. haha. shucks i am blogging excessively, i'd better not, or it'll seem like i have no life. tho ironically blogging much should mean u have a life cus u have sth fun to talk about. haha. its all about the perspectives..
now what should i blog about.. something that could interest readers!! ahha. must PLAN!! have a good start, interesting body, and good closing. add strong words... bla bla. haha. stupid ace your composition notes, been doing that until my sis complains that we have our daily dose of the irritating music from the cd rom. donkz. mm, nvm, whatever comes to mind shall be penned down.
anws. we had a 1606 gathering ytd at andrew's place, which was much fun!! tho it was really quite short. sigh.. but i think it felt really nice to catch up with the class, despite the fact it seemed as tho the army men could talk all night about well, army. haha. it's serious stuff. its like woah they cant get enough of all the military training!! sometimes we successfully shifted their thoughts away frm army but then before u know it, they start talking passionately bout it again. haha. but i really enjoyed myself last night.. haha. and do you know the rainbow paddlepop comes in TUBS too. haha. just found out ytd. (:
hmm, tmr im off from work... finally. i think i officially dread work now. both tuition and dental. today i went for dental and i got told off soo many times. zzzz. ok fine i know some were really my fault (eg quite slow.. duno where things are, forgotten some procedures...) but others were quite unreasonable! like hello he keeps saying we (me and partner) should have been taught stuff but fact is we werent. as in recently we are down on different days so naturally we progress differently. and i think ive only been officially trained by experienced staff on the inside (meaning preparation of materials and assisting) only twice. so the rest of the time im left on my own ok to figure things out, tho there isnt a wide variety of treatments. and somehow im always on the inside, which is fine with me cus michelle knows more reception work than i do. but inside is where all the source of trouble is. rahhh. i think i am confident only in preparing injections and xrays. aiyo... im that slow meh.. TSK. but aiya, i dun dislike him or anything, he's a nice person la. i guess he's just like what he always describes about people these days, "unwilling to wait".
but ahh thats life aint it. i get to see so many sides of people through all my jobs. like how people behave when they get frustrated, the nice and hostile side of patients. the naive but inquisitive and adorable side of kids.. etc. and altho i dun agree with many of the procedures and policies, i gotta learn to just take things in stride, or i'll seriously go mad with all the grudges. this applies not just to work but for all aspects in our life luh. recently i've just been so mad at everything.. sigh.
mm, i wonder how jessica can forgive and forget so easily. i like working with her. cus she really takes care of me and she is really super nice to talk to tho she's 40plus alr.. she looks younger tho.. haha. ooh and she said im a nice person!! i think her exact words were: "eh ni3 hen2 hao3 hor.. mei2 you3 xin1 ji1." which means that im not scheming. well thats what she thinks. HAHAHA. kidding. but honestly, i didnt before but now i think im too nice for my own good. that's what's gonna get me killed out there next time. i duno.
oops i think ive rattled on quite abit. heh heh. congrats if u've gotten to this para, u've won urself a "PERSERVERENCE AWARD". claim it from me hahah.
mm.. i can try to forget, and im sure i will in time to come. cus right now my memories are turning into pixelated images.. im forgetting the little details. it will prob make things easier, but is that really how i want things to be? i guess nonchalance can make heartaches go away, but not the problem. the haunting will never cease. let it go.. let it go.. let it go.. cus how much u heal depends on how much u let go.
i'll never turn back time.
forgetting you, but not the times.
seriously i wanna LOL everytime i sign in. the silly password. TSK. joyce!! haha.
buenos dias.. mm. ok fine, not exactly morning but i forgot how to say good evening in spanish. yikes. haha. shucks i am blogging excessively, i'd better not, or it'll seem like i have no life. tho ironically blogging much should mean u have a life cus u have sth fun to talk about. haha. its all about the perspectives..
now what should i blog about.. something that could interest readers!! ahha. must PLAN!! have a good start, interesting body, and good closing. add strong words... bla bla. haha. stupid ace your composition notes, been doing that until my sis complains that we have our daily dose of the irritating music from the cd rom. donkz. mm, nvm, whatever comes to mind shall be penned down.
anws. we had a 1606 gathering ytd at andrew's place, which was much fun!! tho it was really quite short. sigh.. but i think it felt really nice to catch up with the class, despite the fact it seemed as tho the army men could talk all night about well, army. haha. it's serious stuff. its like woah they cant get enough of all the military training!! sometimes we successfully shifted their thoughts away frm army but then before u know it, they start talking passionately bout it again. haha. but i really enjoyed myself last night.. haha. and do you know the rainbow paddlepop comes in TUBS too. haha. just found out ytd. (:
hmm, tmr im off from work... finally. i think i officially dread work now. both tuition and dental. today i went for dental and i got told off soo many times. zzzz. ok fine i know some were really my fault (eg quite slow.. duno where things are, forgotten some procedures...) but others were quite unreasonable! like hello he keeps saying we (me and partner) should have been taught stuff but fact is we werent. as in recently we are down on different days so naturally we progress differently. and i think ive only been officially trained by experienced staff on the inside (meaning preparation of materials and assisting) only twice. so the rest of the time im left on my own ok to figure things out, tho there isnt a wide variety of treatments. and somehow im always on the inside, which is fine with me cus michelle knows more reception work than i do. but inside is where all the source of trouble is. rahhh. i think i am confident only in preparing injections and xrays. aiyo... im that slow meh.. TSK. but aiya, i dun dislike him or anything, he's a nice person la. i guess he's just like what he always describes about people these days, "unwilling to wait".
but ahh thats life aint it. i get to see so many sides of people through all my jobs. like how people behave when they get frustrated, the nice and hostile side of patients. the naive but inquisitive and adorable side of kids.. etc. and altho i dun agree with many of the procedures and policies, i gotta learn to just take things in stride, or i'll seriously go mad with all the grudges. this applies not just to work but for all aspects in our life luh. recently i've just been so mad at everything.. sigh.
mm, i wonder how jessica can forgive and forget so easily. i like working with her. cus she really takes care of me and she is really super nice to talk to tho she's 40plus alr.. she looks younger tho.. haha. ooh and she said im a nice person!! i think her exact words were: "eh ni3 hen2 hao3 hor.. mei2 you3 xin1 ji1." which means that im not scheming. well thats what she thinks. HAHAHA. kidding. but honestly, i didnt before but now i think im too nice for my own good. that's what's gonna get me killed out there next time. i duno.
oops i think ive rattled on quite abit. heh heh. congrats if u've gotten to this para, u've won urself a "PERSERVERENCE AWARD". claim it from me hahah.
mm.. i can try to forget, and im sure i will in time to come. cus right now my memories are turning into pixelated images.. im forgetting the little details. it will prob make things easier, but is that really how i want things to be? i guess nonchalance can make heartaches go away, but not the problem. the haunting will never cease. let it go.. let it go.. let it go.. cus how much u heal depends on how much u let go.
Friday, April 4, 2008
ok something new, i have a blog. HAHA. thanks joyce for all the hardwork u put in creating it.. the banner, pics, tagboard... everything. ((: ! all i have to do is blog. lol. good deal. well i'll try to update as often as i can then.. tho nth much is going on in my life right now.
mmm, anw this blog url din come easy ok, it was a result of countless random debates of what address to put. haha. its not easy coming up with names ok.. some funny ones include iampaid7anhr, alleniversonismine, moo-lah-lah, creativejuices...which ultimately led to squeezemyjuice and other provocative phrases by the polluted mind of joyce. tsktsk! ohwell. its hilarious la.. LOL. i must have been looking like an idiot smiling to the com. donkzz..
oh man. feels so weird to blog after soooooo long of staying blog-less. yup, of course being the trend follower, i had already begun blogging since... sec 1? lol. tho we din call it blogs last time, it was on opendiary.. so yeah, i lost that one alr. and since then, i have two other online diaries which is still somewhere out there.. try finding em!! HAHA. interesting. i didnt delete em cos its fun looking back and reading what stupid things secondary school people write. HAHA. tho i sometimes cringe at the things i say. haha.
YAWN. am so tired. gonna prepare for work later. zzz. recently life's as such, teaching, teaching, typing notes and worksheets, slack at home, eat, sleep, teach teach dental dental dental... rahh. stupid routine. where are all my friends!!!!!! well. u know last time when watching those corny chn 8 dramas (they still are now), they always portray work as the ultimate marriage/relationship killer.. which i felt was so cliche. but now i know, in a way it does wreck relationships. all kinds la, friendships whatnot. it sucks up so much of people's time noone can make time for meetups and all. ohwells. only the strong will survive. lol.
ok shucks i think i might be running a lil late for work. gotta get going soon. oh oh before that, KOHHUISHAN. i hope it rains at ur training ground tonight! HAHA. dun rain at my area or it'll be so hard to get home.. lols.
why does tonight, have to end.
why dont we hit restart, and pause it at our favourite parts.
we'll skip the goodbyes.
yeahhh.. if only life's like that. take care people.
mmm, anw this blog url din come easy ok, it was a result of countless random debates of what address to put. haha. its not easy coming up with names ok.. some funny ones include iampaid7anhr, alleniversonismine, moo-lah-lah, creativejuices...which ultimately led to squeezemyjuice and other provocative phrases by the polluted mind of joyce. tsktsk! ohwell. its hilarious la.. LOL. i must have been looking like an idiot smiling to the com. donkzz..
oh man. feels so weird to blog after soooooo long of staying blog-less. yup, of course being the trend follower, i had already begun blogging since... sec 1? lol. tho we din call it blogs last time, it was on opendiary.. so yeah, i lost that one alr. and since then, i have two other online diaries which is still somewhere out there.. try finding em!! HAHA. interesting. i didnt delete em cos its fun looking back and reading what stupid things secondary school people write. HAHA. tho i sometimes cringe at the things i say. haha.
YAWN. am so tired. gonna prepare for work later. zzz. recently life's as such, teaching, teaching, typing notes and worksheets, slack at home, eat, sleep, teach teach dental dental dental... rahh. stupid routine. where are all my friends!!!!!! well. u know last time when watching those corny chn 8 dramas (they still are now), they always portray work as the ultimate marriage/relationship killer.. which i felt was so cliche. but now i know, in a way it does wreck relationships. all kinds la, friendships whatnot. it sucks up so much of people's time noone can make time for meetups and all. ohwells. only the strong will survive. lol.
ok shucks i think i might be running a lil late for work. gotta get going soon. oh oh before that, KOHHUISHAN. i hope it rains at ur training ground tonight! HAHA. dun rain at my area or it'll be so hard to get home.. lols.
why does tonight, have to end.
why dont we hit restart, and pause it at our favourite parts.
we'll skip the goodbyes.
yeahhh.. if only life's like that. take care people.
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